Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Place To Ride Dirtbikes In Nj

Trailer Film 2009 - Il Rovescio della Costituzione Italiana

Unnoticed in 2006 passed an amendment to the Criminal Code to decriminalize the offense of coup. The adjustment, part of a wider review of articles concerning crimes of opinion, dating back to February 24, 2006, shortly before the dissolution of the chambers of Berlusconi II, and goes literally to change the parameters to describe the crime of coup ' Article 283 - the same as in 1992 authorized to proceed against the members of the masonic lodge P2. If the first fact, anyone who committed a fact intended to change the constitution of sovereignty, by means not allowed under the Constitution of the State (read democratic elections) would be punished with imprisonment of not less than twelve years, now the new text reads: "Whoever with violent acts, commette un fatto diretto e idoneo a mutare la Costituzione dello Stato o la forma di governo, è punito con la reclusione non inferiore a cinque anni ”. Il rovesciamento violento rimane quindi l’unico tabù nel tentativo di sovvertire dell’ordine nazionale, tutto il resto è lecito.
Art. 283 prima della modifica:
“Chiunque commette un fatto diretto a mutare la costituzione dello Stato, o la forma del Governo, con mezzi non consentiti dall’ordinamento costituzionale dello Stato, è punito con la reclusione non inferiore a dodici anni.”
Art. 283 modificato:
“Chiunque, con atti violenti, commette un fatto diretto e idoneo a mutare la Costituzione dello Stato o la forma Government, shall be punished with imprisonment of not less than five years'. "

Monday, September 29, 2008

Villa-lobos Mazurka–chôro Chords .pdf

Nucleare, un scelta disastrosa !!! ... La prima centrale costruiamola ad Arcore!!

No Nukes
Nuclear power does not provide convincing answers to 'climate emergency and the use of the atom could be fatal for frail economy. Yet the "prevailing feeling" of the country suffers the campaign of Berlusconi's government, supported opportunism of the leaders of the Italian economy .
1. senseless undertaking.
According to the IPCC in 2020 we have an emergency weather will not intervene if the first block of reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. In such an early date the use of nuclear power is almost irrelevant. At a nuclear plant, with 40 years of operation expected, need the first 9 years of operation to balance the energy used in construction.
view of 4 and 5 years of work between location and design a system that develops a plant per year would give only positive net energy from 19 ˚ year (also in the plane would arrive at Scajola 2028). If you reach the goal by 2030 threw there by Berlusconi - a doubling of existing nuclear plants in the world - for global emissions of CO2 reduction would be only 5%. Should be a new power plant every 2 weeks by 2030, spending between 1,000 and 2,000 billion euro, increasing the risk of accidents and exacerbating the unresolved issue of nuclear waste.
If we look beyond 2030, nuclear power should weigh at least 20-25% of the electricity mix to slow climate change. It would take at least 3 000 nuclear plants in more (today there are 439): 3 new stations per month until the end of the century, with skyrocketing prices of uranium are being exhausted.
2. Climate and water: environmental emergencies.
Throughout the entire life cycle of uranium from the mine to the reactor, there are less CO2 emissions, but comparable to those accompanying the cycle of natural gas.
emissions are related to operation of the plant, but especially to the stages for the construction, launch, on-site placement of fissile fuel, which can currently be done only with the very high use of fossil fuels in the construction and in the mine. In addition, nuclear facilities need huge amounts of special steel, zirconium, and cement, whose production requires coal and oil .
Summing all the CO2 emitted in the full cycle of a nuclear installation is approximately 40% of that produced by the operation of a central power of natural gas. Not counting the final storage of waste, so many examples.
Nuclear power is intended only for the supply of electricity, which accounts for 15% of end-use energy in the world (the remaining 85% goes to transportation, heat for heating and industrial processes). A critical, often silent in the nuclear process is the amount of water needed. To avoid risk of catastrophic accident the water should flow to the reactors, to remove excess heat, volume 10 times higher than those of conventional power stations with steam leakage in the air and back into bed at high temperatures.
Where atomic chains have undergone a massive expansion, as in France, the water crisis has already occurred. In this country 40% of all fresh water consumed goes to cooling nuclear reactors.
3. Security.
Nuclear power poses a serious and intractable security problems.
At 22 years after the accident at Chernobyl, there are still no guarantees for the contamination of 'normal' radioactive operation, or to eliminate the risk of catastrophic nuclear accident. Small doses of radioactivity in the extraction of uranium and during normal plant operation, can not be detected in real time, but only logged on for subsequent storage.
There workers are exposed, as in the case of three recent incidents consecutive Tricastin, France, and the population living near the plant, as in the recent case of Krsko, Slovenia.
In a combustion process, shutting down the plant ceases production of heat. In a nuclear power plant, however, even when the chain reaction is 'off', the fission products present in the core continue to release heat. If it can not be removed, this results in the fusion fuel and the catastrophic release of radioactive material, which is dispersed in space and remains active over time.
E 'irrepressible eventuality of an expected chances of disaster is inherent in the design, which makes nuclear imponderable risk.
Despite the emphasis that you want put on a hypothetical "fourth generation" operational only after 2030 (?), with reactors capable of eliminating part of the slag (?), the use of blends of fuel less dangerous (?), today can only be achieved Central inherently insecure.
Radioactive waste are among the most well-known problems in relation to nuclear power plants. There are no concrete solutions. The approximately 250 000 tons of radioactive waste produced so far in the world are all awaiting final disposal sites. The problem remains unsolved, resulting in immeasurable effects in economic terms. It would be impossible to deal with it from scratch on a national scale and irresponsible neglect conseguenze. In Italia, però, nel governo nessuno si preoccupa delle scorie prodotte dall'ipotizzato piano nucleare.
4. Esauribilità e costi.
Secondo le stime del World energy council , l'uranio estraibile a costi convenienti è pari a 3,5 milioni di tonnellate, a fronte di un consumo annuo di circa 70 mila tonnellate. Al ritmo attuale l'uranio è disponibile solo per 40-50 anni. Se aumentassero le centrali, inizierebbe una competizione internazionale per questa risorsa scarsa.
Il ciclo nuclear direct and indirect costs are too high, and therefore intended to be downloaded on the community. In fact, nuclear is the most expensive source of energy that there is .
In recent years, the price of uranium has increased six-fold from $ 20 per pound in 2000 to $ 120 in 2007 and is projected to rise. Furthermore, most of the cost of electricity from nuclear power is related to the design and construction of power plants: double the officially declared for the return periods of 20 years. Adding the costs of waste disposal and decommissioning of plants, the figures are imprecise, but higher than the other sources. The kWh from nuclear is cheaper apparently where the state takes care of security, research and management problems, but especially of waste disposal and decommissioning.
is precisely these costs and the possibility of re-thinking of the governments in financial crisis, have discouraged private investment in recent decades.
In Italy, despite the propaganda and Scajola members, nuclear power would reduce the energy bill. In fact, for a total of 10-15 thousand MW of installed capacity on a dozen plants, should be built from scratch the entire supply chain, investing in 30 and 50 billion euro (waste excluded) with the first return after 15 or 20 years and definitely saltier than bills.
article: Mario Agostinelli

Sunday, September 28, 2008

How To Make Clansphere Templates

Nucleare? No grazie!!! - Chernobyl, per non dimenticare

And now we'll have even the nuclear with all the private interests that revolve around this energy source, basically very cheap but highly dangerous as not enough

a Referendum in which we have expressed our disagreement, our thoughts, our ideas do not count for anything now, have not been enough successes of the many nuclear accidents, nothing, is not yet know where or how to dispose of the waste radiottive, other business ... open your eyes, just a few, even a single incident to cause irreversible damage that will affect for years ... years ... years!


PS: It is not recommended viewing for impressionable people.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Signs Of Period High Cervix

La nuova Costituzione - By Manublog

public invitation and I get the pleasure of ManuBlog post, a friend as well as a great and profound analyzer of the national, ..... actually ... the national problem!
latter period I was really absent, but the pursuit of liberty, democracy and efforts to combat the abuses of power I was not totally abandoned and live in me as a burning flame, however, I put aside a little bit of interesting documents, I'm freer to survive the troubles will make it as usual in my own way, this defection.
continuanoi thank all the people that visit my blog even if not updated!


The new Constitution of the Italian Republic by ManuBlog

They had all said: The Constitution is old now. After sixty years it is time for constitutional reform, laws that better reflect the Italian company in 2008.
is why it is time to publish the new Constitution of the Italian Republic. [.. continues on ManuBlog]

Saturday, September 20, 2008

How To Reduce Facial Swelling Caused By Teeth


(AGI) - Milan - September 19 - "I'm not an expert on internal parliamentary corporis, but for common knowledge and my years of experience in these processes, so that the committees meet on Tuesdays, 'Wednesday' and Thursday. 'I do not think that these commissions are crucial for the future of the Republic. " The prosecutor Fabio De Pasquale said in court the reasons for which such failure parlamentare degli avvocati di Berlusconi non lo convincono e quella che doveva essere l'udienza del dopo - Lodo Alfano del processo al premier e a David Mills diventa l'ennesima occasione per uno scontro, con riflessi politici, tra la magistratura e il Cavaliere. Le parti in aula ignorano il Lodo, lo scudo giudiziario per le piu' alte cariche dello Stato, che mettera' in soffitta - salvo interventi della Consulta - il processo fino alla fine di questa legislatura. Le polemiche stavolta si concentrano sulla richiesta di legittimo impedimento presentata dai legali del premier che sostengono di non poter partecipare all'udienza di oggi per gli impegni nelle commissioni giustizia di Camera (Niccolo' Ghedini) e Senato (Piero Longo). "Una commissione convocata di venerdi' - scandisce De Pasquale - e' molto sorprendente. E' la prima volta che sento di un impegno parlamentare di venerdi'. Questa - continua - e' la prima udienza dopo l'approvazione del Lodo Alfano ed e' stata fissata due mesi fa. Mi chiedo se il comportamento di Berlusconi sia in linea con la leale collaborazione e il dovere di fare in modo che il processo si svolga, principi indicati dalla giurisprudenza costituzionale". Secondo il magistrato, "la difesa Berlusconi avrebbe potuto organizzare le cose diversamente", per questo chiede al Tribunale "di acquisire informazioni dal Parlamento sulle ragioni straordinarie per cui oggi si sono riunite le commissioni". Il giudice Gandus non accoglie pero' la tesi del pm e rinvia il processo per legittimo impedimento al 27 settembre. Given that neither would be good to Longo, is to know your practitioner Philip Pagnocco, due to a commitment to a conference. "This is not 'legitimate impediment", Case Gandus, and confirms the appointment for the 27.
The leopard can not change its spots .....
"This Masaniello has come to sign this authority, command respect and obedience, in these few days, which shook the whole city with them his orders were carried out by them as' his followers with all punctuality and discipline: he has shown prudence, assessment and moderation; insomma era divenuto un re in questa città, e il più glorioso e trionfante che abbia avuto il mondo. Chi non l'ha veduto, non può figurarselo nell'idea; e chi l'ha veduto non può essere sufficiente a rappresentarlo perfettamente ad altri. Non vestiva altro abito che una camicia e calzoni di tela bianca ad uso di pescatore, scalzo e senza alcuna cosa in testa; né ha voluto mutar vestito, se non nella gita dal Viceré»