Saturday, May 29, 2010

Jennifer Love Hewitt Human Hair Extentions

everyday life - happiness

Es wird Zeit , mal wieder zu schreiben , posten , tja wie soll man es nennen . Sucht Euch einfach was aus .

Heute 29/05/10 war der letzte Öffnungstag in meinem , unseren alten kleinen Seifenladen .

Am 19/06/10 eröffnen wir unseren neuen Laden .

soaps and Filzmanufaktur schokominza. We're totally excited but as he arrives.

is on 17/06/10 in our social day, offer a day where students and their work force will be donated the money for a good (or not so good) purpose.

My daughter (11) and 2 friends want to work for schokominza.

I could think of a class of cost-effective advertising! I cut little soaps, pack them in pretty bags with business card and invitation to the opening of `` list''in it and send the girls through the city and let them spread.

Especially since the man prefers to small children Accepting things as an adult.

So now we need a little more sun. A few days ago I was at the beach with my children.

It was very nice, the sun was shining, the mood was good, the kids have got up and down with stones beautiful sun faces in the sand.

I realized the importance of sun and good mood for one thing. Armed with camera, I felt like a tourist and it was so quiet, a teeny break from everyday life that we currently have quite under control. I was so happy, it does not have to shop till the doctor comes, or are constantly bedudelt from the TV that we have deliberately 2.5 years ago abolished, only to drift so peaceful and the laughter of children can be infected, that is the happiness of which I scavenging in everyday life.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ultimate Organics Shea Butter Tested On Animals


I am currently working on Tuesdays and Fridays in Plön Vormmitags at the market!

This week it was extremely cold.

Just like in my shop yet. Partly because it is so cold to me, the oils begin to harden.

This is totally annoying! What can you do there?

Well. Tomorrow we begin the new workshop. We have found at a scrap yard but actually stainless steel work tables, almost like new, for n `apple and an egg.

I was very excited.

So for scrap dealers you will find, I would have never thought of. It is the best fit in my concept, without a lot of moss, a lot going on!

If you want to host a workshop with stainless steel heater elements makes you to the junkyard.

The operator told me he had occasionally Bainmarie there. Is not that great!

Even a heated table with stakes as he has, I'm still thinking.

moment I have a large order from a goat farm , ich stecke bis zu den Oberarmen in Ziegenmilch-Seifen .

Es bringt Spaß , ist aber auch Fließbandarbeit , die müssen dann auch verpackt werden , geschnitten und gewogen .

Die Verpackung ist aufwendig und verbraucht am meisten Zeit .
Aber derKunde ist total zufrieden und begeistert .
Die Seife selber ist total Pur . Schlicht weiß und unbeduftet . Ich bin aber überrascht das die Seife doch tatsächlich einen Eigenduft entwickelt . Der ist total angenehm , dieses habe ich bei den Stutenmilchseifen nicht feststellen können !

Ich habe sage und schreibe 30 Liter Ziegenmilch verbraucht und bin noch nicht fertig mit dem Auftrag .

Es macht mich so zufrieden , wenn ich in meiner Werkstatt bin und beginne . Kommt eine unheimliche Ruhe in mich , das ich klar denken kann und alles um mich herum wird ganz still .
Es ist ein so befriedigendes Tun , vorallem weil man was entstehen läßt .

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Edible Fruit And Vegetable Arrangements

excitement !!!!!

Ich bin total aufgeregt . Der neue Mietvertrag ist unterschrieben ,nun gibt es kein zurück . Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl das sich jetzt wieder was tut .
Wir haben unseren ersten Großauftrag in der Tasche , den wir nun anpacken , total spannend !
Am 3.06 bis 06.06 findet in Malente ein großer Markt statt an dem wir teilnehmen werden . Der gute alte Immenhof wird wieder zum leben erweckt , ich freue mich Sun
It is really important for this region, here the mentality Hartz V, held in the spiritual sense to enter. Therefore, it is nice that there are people new life in this sleepy Gotham - bring region.

In any case, it is over with the rest, we roll up our sleeves and boil the stuff that keeps soaps.

Actually it's quite nice here, but it is exhausting. There are many nice shops here in Eutin empty, but unfortunately many in the hands of major investors from Berlin, England, Hamburg, in fact, they would let my shops on the Kurfürstendamm, so the individuality of this city goes to the dogs, always more people from hay, too bad, but we will not, although we are also thinking we will go to the outskirts of Berlin or the Wendland!

But first we will inspire more people here the sign, along the lines of `will not do, give` s not!
A little tip, I've read recently: Dieter Moor, what we do not need, do not, stories of an asshole free zone;
A wonderful book.