Sunday, May 2, 2010

Edible Fruit And Vegetable Arrangements

excitement !!!!!

Ich bin total aufgeregt . Der neue Mietvertrag ist unterschrieben ,nun gibt es kein zurück . Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl das sich jetzt wieder was tut .
Wir haben unseren ersten Großauftrag in der Tasche , den wir nun anpacken , total spannend !
Am 3.06 bis 06.06 findet in Malente ein großer Markt statt an dem wir teilnehmen werden . Der gute alte Immenhof wird wieder zum leben erweckt , ich freue mich Sun
It is really important for this region, here the mentality Hartz V, held in the spiritual sense to enter. Therefore, it is nice that there are people new life in this sleepy Gotham - bring region.

In any case, it is over with the rest, we roll up our sleeves and boil the stuff that keeps soaps.

Actually it's quite nice here, but it is exhausting. There are many nice shops here in Eutin empty, but unfortunately many in the hands of major investors from Berlin, England, Hamburg, in fact, they would let my shops on the Kurfürstendamm, so the individuality of this city goes to the dogs, always more people from hay, too bad, but we will not, although we are also thinking we will go to the outskirts of Berlin or the Wendland!

But first we will inspire more people here the sign, along the lines of `will not do, give` s not!
A little tip, I've read recently: Dieter Moor, what we do not need, do not, stories of an asshole free zone;
A wonderful book.


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