Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pir Sensor Connections


a decaying full of objects and things in bulk, a man with a coat holding a gun to kill another in a bathrobe, who plays ping pong and strap to distract him. I am the professor of French Literature Humbert Humbert and the playwright Clare Quilty. Flashback: four years before the forty Humbert looking for a room to rent in New Hampshire, undecided whether to accept what I ordered the widow Charlotte annoyingly very interested in him. When he sees in the garden sunbathing daughter twelve year old Dolores ..... Lolita, the decision is made. The menage goes on more and more dangerously, between home and ambiguous scenes life of a citizen. Indeed, in one of these will know for the first time the acclaimed by women Quilty per il suo fascino strano. Il tempo passa, deve fare qualcosa per non perdere l’oggetto del suo desiderio. Così sempre più morbosamente attratto dalla ragazzina, sposa mamà iniziando un pericoloso gioco con le due figure femminili. In fondo vorrebbe eliminare fisicamente Charlotte sempre più invadente per avere tutta per se la maliziosa ragazza, ma la scoperta del suo diario con espressa tutta la verità fa andare tanto fuori di testa la moglie da finire investita per strada. Ora vedovo inconsolabile Humbert può possedere Lolita, portandola via in un viaggio in macchina attraverso gli Stati Uniti, fino a una nuova vita in Ohio. Humbert geloso impedisce a Lolita qualsiasi cosa, e lei sistematicamente gli mente, assurde figure si inseriscono tra loro, fino a quando lei non scompare con uno "zio" da una clinica. Quattro anni dopo ecco ricevere una lettera da Lolita che ora sposata con un manovale, aspetta un bambino, e gli chiede un aiuto economico per trasferirsi in Alaska. Lui cerca ancora di convincerla a fuggire con lui, Lolita è chiara, non lo ha mai amato, era sempre Quilty che lei voleva, e che ricompariva da ogni dove sotto forma di poliziotto o altro strambo personaggio. Poi stancatosi di lei l’ha abbandonata. Humbert consegna tredicimila dollari a Lolita poi fugge via piangendo. La sua macchina si dirige verso il castello dove vive Quilty. Una scritta d’epilogo ci dice che Humbert Humbert morì d’infarto in prigione aspettando il processo per l'omicidio di Clare Quilty. Forget Nabokov, the film quality in the end have its own life for art and effects. Visually lacking the physicality of sexuality for the usual limits, but returns to torment the teacher's morbid, rebellious attitude of Lolita, the desires of Charlotte bigoted, contemptuous chameleon in the conquest of Quilty and omnipotent. Here is a 'grotesque sadness, an aching desire for Humbert look that makes him appear a depraved, but a sympathy c'ispira sad. No character is posivo, the family is not a safe place, the country is a source of bitterness, the company is in decline. No blame, no guilty. Lolita dies in the movie, one of the characters, maybe il finale che la vede meno attraente, meno seduttiva, in una realtà normale ed anonima forse non le ha dato la felicità, ma una qualche serenità, quella che i due doppi Humbert/Quilty, passivo l'uno , poliedrico l'altro, vittime della sua passione uno, artefice cinico della rovina altrui l'altro, ottengono solo nella morte. Desiderare è già una colpa ? a volte forse si, nel 1962 come nel 2010.

Charlotte a Humbert che si è deciso per la camera. " Quale è stato il fattore decisivo, il mio giardino? - Credo che siano state le sue torte di ciliege"

Humbert a Lolita: "Mi sei mancata terribly - you do not, and you've been horribly unfaithful "

Quilty transvestite dapoliziotto to Humbert:" It 's a relief to see a normal face, because I'm normal. Two normal guys like us should discuss world events in a somewhat 'normal'

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Free Standings Feeders For Horses


Charlotte Vale is a rich Bostonian repressed, tyrannized by her mother and on the brink of a serious nervous breakdown. Hospitalized in Clinical sympathetic Dr. Jaquith, leaving a woman transformed into elegantly seductive. Still unsure of his ego and his charms, she was noticed during a cruise from Gerry, sadly married, but is linked to the problem daughter Tina and therefore indivorziabile nevertheless bound him to a marriage that prevents him from even being an architect dream of his life. The meet will open both a new outlook on life, a new energy to tackle things. and above all discover they love each other passionately. Days passed and rare harmony of charm, but decided not to meet again. The return of Charlotte is amazing, beautiful, much courted, confident, now decide and choose what you like, despite the rough domineering mother, looking at all ways of risoggiogarla, to die of a heart attack. The daughter of guilt escapes again from Dr. Jaquith where Tina is, decides to take care of her, take her at home with it, a mirror of the little girl was a symbol of love that she gives her father. The Doctor agrees, but asks that the relationship with Jerry does not go beyond friendship to avoid disturbing the balance of the girl has now been achieved. Accept ceonvince Jerrry over it, it will be a way to be close, aware that time may love it all: "Why ask for the moon when we have the stars?". Melo sublime, poised between impossible love, sublimation of it, madness, dedication, a story that might be laughable interpretation becomes fantastic opportunity for Davis, who knows he has the courage to be credible in going from zittella neurotic a femme fatale in love and making every scene believable. Morality requires roles, Charlotte tries to live dammed, in his own way. And placed them far above the dreaded Hays Code, which prevents the screen was consummated a relationship outside marriage, as an improvisation of the protagonist, Paul Henreid create something more sensual and intimate than any other scene of love during their romance turns two cigarettes and hands one to Bette Davis, a kind gesture, staff and simple repeated complicity becomes total, so that at a party in which they pretend to be strangers, he will unconsciously turn two handing him oblivious to the outside world from them. One of the most romantic and sexy pictures ever views.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What Do U Put On A Retirement Cake

Bram Stoker's Dracula

fifteenth century in Romania, Vlad Dracula Prince wins the Ottomans in the name of Christianity, but the beloved wife commits suicide thinking he fell in battle, without religious comfort because he has sinned against his life. He denies faith and human existence, to become a damned soul, a vampire, an undead, through the centuries in the heart with love lost and a longing for death. London will be in a late nineteenth century the fateful meeting with Mina reincarnated as a young bride of a victim of Jonathan hours plots of Dracula, which holds him captive in Transylvania with its fascinating and dangerous-vampire lovers. The ancestral forces of good and evil are in full fight in a city that is experiencing modernism in its many forms industry and technology. Mina wins while embodying the romantic dream of the immortal, sexually seductive vampire Vlad's friend Mina, Lucy, making it a non-dead and forcing the person who loves to plant a pole and cut his head in his salvation. In a mad chase to his castle, it will be just that Mina would like to choose his own damnation not to leave him, kill him, accepting the will of him, freeing them both from the inexorable fate alloy. Coppola creates the perfect lie, cheat starts from the title: Stoker's Dracula, but the novel is only the starting point of the plot vaguely. You create a past with a lost love that gives a romantic baroque shadows of the Prince of Night, not only confirming the charm and sexy diva of the vampire, but giving it the connotation of inner torment to a loneliness without end, for a memory of love which gives a new mythology to myth. Gentleness and ferocity, passion and cruelty, a double foundation of humanity and monstrosity, a powerful being beyond any prisoner himself. The fiction directing us back to that film, a sort of voyeuristic vampire, we see a falso vero guardando un film, così assistiamo ad una finta ricostruzione dettagliata storicamente qui nel film, curato, raffinato, esagerato, rutilante di effetti cinematografici omaggianti la storia della settima arte, e poi infarcito di tocchi fumettistici, pulp, feuilleton, pittorici, miscelando poesia e grottesco ad ogni passo di sceneggiatura e di visione. Eppure in tanto manierismo di sontuosa fattura pulsa una sensualità , una potenza del sentimento che travolge i protagonisti e gli spettatori, perché un grande regista sa che la verità unica ed immortale di storie come questa e del cinema è proprio questa : la forza dell’emozione che pervade tutto e tutti.

Dracula- " L'uomo più fortunato che calpesta questa terra è chi trova il vero amore ..." "Il sangue è vita... "
Mina -«C’’è un lato oscuro e sinistro in lui che trovo irresistibile. Non ho mai incontrato nessun uomo con una simile passione per la vita».

Dracula -"..odiato e temuto. Sono morto per tutta l’umanità, Ascoltatemi :io sono il mostro che gli uomini che respirano bramerebbero uccidere. Io sono Dracula. (...) Io vi do la vita eterna,l’amore eterno. Il potere delle tempeste e degli animali della Terra. Venite con me per essere la mia amata sposa, per sempre.(....) Mina sarete damn like me who have to walk in the shadow of death for all eternity, I love you too ... to condemn.
Mina - "You are my love and my life forever (...) I'll do. I do not care. Have you (..) Take me away from all this death!

Mina" As Lucy is dead ? He suffered a lot? "Van Helsing" Yes, he suffered a lot, but then we cut the head, stuck a stake through the heart el''abbiamo burned. Eventually he found peace! "

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Do The Symbols Mean On Pokemon Cards

Easy Virtue

Roaring Thirties: Larita is beautiful, driving race cars, independent, bold, modern, unconventional and smart .... American. Unwittingly falls into a very traditional and aristocratic - though quite in ruins - the English family Whittaker, and the hard way: by marrying John, the scion of the house. He began a guerrilla war without quarter between the intruder, and mother and sisters of her husband who see her as a potential enemy ready to kill their muffled world beyond time, and jazz. But solidarity is also true in the ex-girlfriend Sarah, the butler, but especially by his father Jim, a man never really left the First World War, absent the intrigues, the hypocrisy of the family. Larita is really the polar opposite: too much smoke, boycott fox hunting, but taking out the dog's unintentional mother-in-law, and avoids its crops for allergy. To remove it withdraws out of her widowhood with a mysterious past process. And during a party with such close, after a tango that her husband now sucked from his environment, he refuses to dance ashamed, the father will only give you the arm to the dance "forbidden". Larita says simply: death reveals that he helped the sick husband, and shouting that John would never know love her with a gesture like that, he goes with his car, because as Jim says that he too far away to reach by there: "My dear, when the going gets tough ... the tough start it "a charming comedy of the past, a great cast, a timing pungent and delicious, with very bad jokes made with a slight persuasive. The revolution is not only Larita class, prejudice, distant worlds, but accept that it takes to survive every day a shot of life, perhaps a blow flamboyant platinum blonde.

(referring to mother Sarah Whittaker)
She's like drowning: it becomes delicious when you stop struggling.

(Larita) People are so universally similar when let down their guard.

Dedicated to Encantador Escura who detests the "happy ending", but this can not but love him.