Sunday, September 12, 2010

What Do U Put On A Retirement Cake

Bram Stoker's Dracula

fifteenth century in Romania, Vlad Dracula Prince wins the Ottomans in the name of Christianity, but the beloved wife commits suicide thinking he fell in battle, without religious comfort because he has sinned against his life. He denies faith and human existence, to become a damned soul, a vampire, an undead, through the centuries in the heart with love lost and a longing for death. London will be in a late nineteenth century the fateful meeting with Mina reincarnated as a young bride of a victim of Jonathan hours plots of Dracula, which holds him captive in Transylvania with its fascinating and dangerous-vampire lovers. The ancestral forces of good and evil are in full fight in a city that is experiencing modernism in its many forms industry and technology. Mina wins while embodying the romantic dream of the immortal, sexually seductive vampire Vlad's friend Mina, Lucy, making it a non-dead and forcing the person who loves to plant a pole and cut his head in his salvation. In a mad chase to his castle, it will be just that Mina would like to choose his own damnation not to leave him, kill him, accepting the will of him, freeing them both from the inexorable fate alloy. Coppola creates the perfect lie, cheat starts from the title: Stoker's Dracula, but the novel is only the starting point of the plot vaguely. You create a past with a lost love that gives a romantic baroque shadows of the Prince of Night, not only confirming the charm and sexy diva of the vampire, but giving it the connotation of inner torment to a loneliness without end, for a memory of love which gives a new mythology to myth. Gentleness and ferocity, passion and cruelty, a double foundation of humanity and monstrosity, a powerful being beyond any prisoner himself. The fiction directing us back to that film, a sort of voyeuristic vampire, we see a falso vero guardando un film, così assistiamo ad una finta ricostruzione dettagliata storicamente qui nel film, curato, raffinato, esagerato, rutilante di effetti cinematografici omaggianti la storia della settima arte, e poi infarcito di tocchi fumettistici, pulp, feuilleton, pittorici, miscelando poesia e grottesco ad ogni passo di sceneggiatura e di visione. Eppure in tanto manierismo di sontuosa fattura pulsa una sensualità , una potenza del sentimento che travolge i protagonisti e gli spettatori, perché un grande regista sa che la verità unica ed immortale di storie come questa e del cinema è proprio questa : la forza dell’emozione che pervade tutto e tutti.

Dracula- " L'uomo più fortunato che calpesta questa terra è chi trova il vero amore ..." "Il sangue è vita... "
Mina -«C’’è un lato oscuro e sinistro in lui che trovo irresistibile. Non ho mai incontrato nessun uomo con una simile passione per la vita».

Dracula -"..odiato e temuto. Sono morto per tutta l’umanità, Ascoltatemi :io sono il mostro che gli uomini che respirano bramerebbero uccidere. Io sono Dracula. (...) Io vi do la vita eterna,l’amore eterno. Il potere delle tempeste e degli animali della Terra. Venite con me per essere la mia amata sposa, per sempre.(....) Mina sarete damn like me who have to walk in the shadow of death for all eternity, I love you too ... to condemn.
Mina - "You are my love and my life forever (...) I'll do. I do not care. Have you (..) Take me away from all this death!

Mina" As Lucy is dead ? He suffered a lot? "Van Helsing" Yes, he suffered a lot, but then we cut the head, stuck a stake through the heart el''abbiamo burned. Eventually he found peace! "


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