Sunday, November 28, 2010
Injections For Tingling In Fingers
Perhaps to capture the essence of his art enough of his friend Baudelaire the phrase "women of Delacroix have the charm of the crime el'aureola of martyrdom. " But there's more. The classicism finally crumbles under those violent brushstrokes, vivid colors under those edges that kill Schemas and open to young academics Impressionists, in the exotic, unusual and made a strange and disturbing way that brings inspiration to a new group of artists: the Symbolists. Not perfect profiles and neoclassical forms, what matters to him is the vehemence of the sign, the effect of the mix of color-field and bodies and things. That physical pain that becomes concrete image. The dualism of history and human nature are vivid contrasting colors, dominated by access and that red blood that permeates everything. From the literature and the romantic music of his time draws strength to the extreme passions. In representing historical events such as the massacre of Scio is not the impetus of the rebels, but the pain of the killings inhumane, not glory, but death. Freedom is a beautiful Venus driving a diverse population of 'insurgents, whose prices in those corpses in the foreground. The fantasy has orrorrifici sublime aspects, such as images of the massacre ordered by Ashurbanipal, dies with him his whole world, and here is the terrible fascination of that nude body of a woman grabbed his magnificent executioner. There's things of life, something that frightens and attracts relentlessly violent and he knows how to make it with skill, they are desperate or bodies that deal with wild animals. The softness scent of women of Algiers has something sensual and unhealthy that disturbs us and enchants. The confusion was sensational in his peers as the admiration of artists moderni. La sua arte stupiva come la sua persona, anche perchè contrastavano i suoi quadri scioccanti con il suo fare garbato ed elegante : Alexandre Dumas ne descrive il garbo che lo rendeva ammirato nei salotti "Sottile, polemico, sempre con la risposta pronta, amava la discussione nella quale la sua intelligenza s'accendeva afferrando nuove e brillanti intuizioni... E quando si congedava da un salotto in cui i presenti avevano assistito, rapiti, alla sua vivace e pittoresca conversazione, si poteva udire la padrona di casa esclamare: che uomo affascinante questo signor Delacroix, peccato che si ostini a fare della pittura!".
Baudelaire, "Delacroix passionately loved the passion, but was coldly determined to express the same passion as clearly as possible."
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How To Make A Billard Cake
Eugène Delacroix 's Last of the Mohicans
1757le American colonies live the bloody Anglo-French war in which some Indian tribes are allied to the Europeans and others make war on him as the terrible Huron. Would rather live the simple life of the forest Moichani, of which only Chingachgook, a former tribal chief and his son Uncas, with the young White, Nathan Hawheye-Hawkeye, raised as a son by the head. But the war will inevitably involve an encounter with the young British officer and threatened Cora and Alice, daughters of Colonel Munro. From now on it will be a fierce struggle for survival, where the first to be sacrificed are the deepest suffering. Nathan is in love with Cora, arousing the jealousy of English of the young Alice and Uncas the Huron chief Magu wants for itself. Will be violent clashes, including many deaths Uncas and Alice, who falls into the ravine where the body was thrown of his beloved, to follow him and do not fall into the bloody hands of Maguire, who was later killed in turn. There remain only at the end of Hawkeye, Cora and Chingachgook, who stand before the precipice grave of his son, makes a sad farewell: "Great Spirit, and creator of life, a warrior goes to you, fast and straight as an arrow shot into the sun . Welcome to him, and let him take his place in the Grand Council of my people. It is Uncas, my son. Tell him to be patient, and 'me a quick death, because they are all there, except one, I, Chingachgook, Last of the Mohicans. " Unforgettable scenes from the film, with a wilderness that embraces all with its vast open spaces, a picture that alternates masterly landscapes that they know of old prints and very dark scenes as the hearts of men overwhelmed by the battle with themselves and each other. There is the taste of the adventures of the past, the epic of the major issues highlighted by the music, the strength of their feelings and even Manichaean extremes, the passion in every man's time to love, honor, duty, whose emotional impact ci penetra dentro lasciandoci senza respiro irrimediabilmente ieri come oggi, come tutto ciò che è ancestrale nell'essere umano.
1757le American colonies live the bloody Anglo-French war in which some Indian tribes are allied to the Europeans and others make war on him as the terrible Huron. Would rather live the simple life of the forest Moichani, of which only Chingachgook, a former tribal chief and his son Uncas, with the young White, Nathan Hawheye-Hawkeye, raised as a son by the head. But the war will inevitably involve an encounter with the young British officer and threatened Cora and Alice, daughters of Colonel Munro. From now on it will be a fierce struggle for survival, where the first to be sacrificed are the deepest suffering. Nathan is in love with Cora, arousing the jealousy of English of the young Alice and Uncas the Huron chief Magu wants for itself. Will be violent clashes, including many deaths Uncas and Alice, who falls into the ravine where the body was thrown of his beloved, to follow him and do not fall into the bloody hands of Maguire, who was later killed in turn. There remain only at the end of Hawkeye, Cora and Chingachgook, who stand before the precipice grave of his son, makes a sad farewell: "Great Spirit, and creator of life, a warrior goes to you, fast and straight as an arrow shot into the sun . Welcome to him, and let him take his place in the Grand Council of my people. It is Uncas, my son. Tell him to be patient, and 'me a quick death, because they are all there, except one, I, Chingachgook, Last of the Mohicans. " Unforgettable scenes from the film, with a wilderness that embraces all with its vast open spaces, a picture that alternates masterly landscapes that they know of old prints and very dark scenes as the hearts of men overwhelmed by the battle with themselves and each other. There is the taste of the adventures of the past, the epic of the major issues highlighted by the music, the strength of their feelings and even Manichaean extremes, the passion in every man's time to love, honor, duty, whose emotional impact ci penetra dentro lasciandoci senza respiro irrimediabilmente ieri come oggi, come tutto ciò che è ancestrale nell'essere umano.
Hawkeye a Cora "Devi vivere, non importa quello che accadrà: io ti troverò! Non importa quanto ci vorrà, fosse anche un secolo: io ti troverò! "
Cora " Tutto il mondo brucia! "
Sunday, November 14, 2010
How Can I Elongate My Labia Minora?
Witness for the Prosecution
Sir Wilfrid è un penalista, principe del foro inglese, alle prese con un infarto,un solerte maggiordomo, e una troppo premurosa infermiera con cui battibecca di continuo. Tutti lo vogliono in vacanza, ma lui è intrigato dal caso di un certo Leonard Vole, un simpatico tipo a cui una ricca signora ha lasciato un ingente somma. Peccato che lui sia il principale sospettato del suo omicidio. Tutto sembra contro di lui, anche l'appoggio gelido dell'affascinante consorte tedesca Christine, che se anche conferma l'alibi, non sembra così ansiosa di salvarlo, ed è forse proprio questo che lo convince definitivamente ad accettare la difesa. In tribunale le cose si svolgono tra alti e bassi, fino al colpo di scena di Christine che ritratta the alibi. Vole For all is lost, but Sir Wilfrid receives unexpected help from a strange woman who claims to have evidence that Christine wants to get rid of her husband, having letters of that compromise. In the classroom, have the effect of a bomb and lead to the acquittal. But now is the lawyer who is concerned about something does not go back, Christine gratitude for his intelligence, then tells him how he cheated, twisting his own cunning lawyer. Leonard loves her madly, she knew she was guilty, and that the testimony of a faithful wife would not have helped, but a faithless, born in the enemy nation that the goodness of a former soldier he saved, he would have outraged the jury, and amended on trial. She ha organizzato tutto, lei era la megera che consegnava il carteggio colpevole, sempre lei e tutto per il suo amore, che si presenta, ma solo per dimostrarsi un essere perfido fino in fondo, ha già pronta una sostituta e ha sempre ingannato la moglie. Lei disperata ed orgogliosa gli spara. Sir Wilfrid ammirato dalla personalità di questa donna all'apparenza fredda, ma dal temperamento appassionato, prenderà la sua difesa ed è sicuro di vincere e l'infermiera è d'accordo con lui . Il genere legal thriller ha insidie pericolose, una su tutte la noia, ma non sarà mai in un film di Wilder, colpi di scena, ironia, personaggi che bucano lo schermo , ribaltamenti continui dei ruoli anche nella scelta degli attori : Laughton e la Lancaster exalted disputants inseparable, Power good and reliable cinematic history that is revealed as just a bastard, and the divine Marlene, hot ice par excellence, a creature in love here willing to do anything for her man, defeat as his native Germany, but never tamed. Victims and perpetrators of continuous overturn their roles, lies and deception is always around the corner, and can leverage their sull'acume of the smartest lawyers, sharp operators tricking category for excellence. Wilder knows how to deconstruct the genre like few others, take a plot and stuff, going beyond the type and enriching, contaminating up to make her his, with his favorite themes of ambiguity, the mask, deception, where even a harmless thermos for hot chocolate can be for what they can and not hide the whiskey FORBIDDEN; true Sir Wilfrid?
Advocate nurse nagging:-You know, Miss Plimsoll, which in my bed of pain I have seriously thought of her to strangle her with a rubber hose? Then I confessed to the crime and I would have taken for the defense -
Sir Wilfrid è un penalista, principe del foro inglese, alle prese con un infarto,un solerte maggiordomo, e una troppo premurosa infermiera con cui battibecca di continuo. Tutti lo vogliono in vacanza, ma lui è intrigato dal caso di un certo Leonard Vole, un simpatico tipo a cui una ricca signora ha lasciato un ingente somma. Peccato che lui sia il principale sospettato del suo omicidio. Tutto sembra contro di lui, anche l'appoggio gelido dell'affascinante consorte tedesca Christine, che se anche conferma l'alibi, non sembra così ansiosa di salvarlo, ed è forse proprio questo che lo convince definitivamente ad accettare la difesa. In tribunale le cose si svolgono tra alti e bassi, fino al colpo di scena di Christine che ritratta the alibi. Vole For all is lost, but Sir Wilfrid receives unexpected help from a strange woman who claims to have evidence that Christine wants to get rid of her husband, having letters of that compromise. In the classroom, have the effect of a bomb and lead to the acquittal. But now is the lawyer who is concerned about something does not go back, Christine gratitude for his intelligence, then tells him how he cheated, twisting his own cunning lawyer. Leonard loves her madly, she knew she was guilty, and that the testimony of a faithful wife would not have helped, but a faithless, born in the enemy nation that the goodness of a former soldier he saved, he would have outraged the jury, and amended on trial. She ha organizzato tutto, lei era la megera che consegnava il carteggio colpevole, sempre lei e tutto per il suo amore, che si presenta, ma solo per dimostrarsi un essere perfido fino in fondo, ha già pronta una sostituta e ha sempre ingannato la moglie. Lei disperata ed orgogliosa gli spara. Sir Wilfrid ammirato dalla personalità di questa donna all'apparenza fredda, ma dal temperamento appassionato, prenderà la sua difesa ed è sicuro di vincere e l'infermiera è d'accordo con lui . Il genere legal thriller ha insidie pericolose, una su tutte la noia, ma non sarà mai in un film di Wilder, colpi di scena, ironia, personaggi che bucano lo schermo , ribaltamenti continui dei ruoli anche nella scelta degli attori : Laughton e la Lancaster exalted disputants inseparable, Power good and reliable cinematic history that is revealed as just a bastard, and the divine Marlene, hot ice par excellence, a creature in love here willing to do anything for her man, defeat as his native Germany, but never tamed. Victims and perpetrators of continuous overturn their roles, lies and deception is always around the corner, and can leverage their sull'acume of the smartest lawyers, sharp operators tricking category for excellence. Wilder knows how to deconstruct the genre like few others, take a plot and stuff, going beyond the type and enriching, contaminating up to make her his, with his favorite themes of ambiguity, the mask, deception, where even a harmless thermos for hot chocolate can be for what they can and not hide the whiskey FORBIDDEN; true Sir Wilfrid?
Advocate nurse nagging:-You know, Miss Plimsoll, which in my bed of pain I have seriously thought of her to strangle her with a rubber hose? Then I confessed to the crime and I would have taken for the defense -
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Shirts That Go With Kilts
In a war in Beirut, trying to move forward in a kind of normality, the greyness of the torn streets, are the colors of a room skewed by the sign of beauty, ruled women from different, for religion, tastes, manners, and desires. The beautiful Layali loves a married man at that time that beeps, Nisrine is about to marry, but does not know how to explain that it is not a virgin, Rima is attracted to women. Jamal then wander up to make a fool obsessed by aging, Lili faded old lady that is rampant with his antics and his sister Rose who sacrificed his life to be near her and protect her. Among them, a discussion, spaleggiano, console themselves, they laugh, revealing the essence of truth made in sadness and joy that the world does not give out. Like any other woman in the world, you make choices: undergo surgery and the stupid fundamentalist restituitre altri si aspettano, rinunciare ad un amore malato che non porta da nessuna parte e aprirsi a quell'uomo che ci osserva in disparte giorno dopo giorno in silenzio, godere anche solo di quei pochi attimi con quella bella signora che viene insistentemente a lavarsi i capelli e che un giorno decide di farsi un taglio maschile in barba a tutti. Ma anche di rinunciare ancora una volta all'ultima chance della vita per non lasciare una sorella debole sola. Gli uomini sono tutti fuori ,certo se ne parla, ma come di un altra realtà, l'unico che riesce a penetrare in paruccheria è il poliziotto innamorato di Layale, perchè ha una diversa mentalità , è paziente, gentile, sa aspettare e desiderare senza pretendere . Bellissime le scene di Layale che cerca to make a squalid room of a third-rate hotel, having humiliated for not being able to claim to be married in a love nest and then not see the present lover ... but the friends you; Lilli the mad wandering with its follies, sensual, relaxing shampoo that washes over the ideas to the hair, and a call from Layali lover, spied on by a policeman who secretly self-interpreting the other person with himself . We ride with a light touch religious stereotypes, women, homosexuals, the middle class, to tell a Middle Eastern universe so far away and close to us, with women at all latitudes are trying to blend ancestral traditions - often created by men - trade or embankment, with a push to modernity. But we need to do this ancient art, who knows how to condense water by heating sugar and lemon juice in a saucepan to recreate that taste so sweet caramel and silky and so fierce on the skin for the uprooted hair. Why take care of your body is also to show love to others and why life is a bittersweet caramel.
In a war in Beirut, trying to move forward in a kind of normality, the greyness of the torn streets, are the colors of a room skewed by the sign of beauty, ruled women from different, for religion, tastes, manners, and desires. The beautiful Layali loves a married man at that time that beeps, Nisrine is about to marry, but does not know how to explain that it is not a virgin, Rima is attracted to women. Jamal then wander up to make a fool obsessed by aging, Lili faded old lady that is rampant with his antics and his sister Rose who sacrificed his life to be near her and protect her. Among them, a discussion, spaleggiano, console themselves, they laugh, revealing the essence of truth made in sadness and joy that the world does not give out. Like any other woman in the world, you make choices: undergo surgery and the stupid fundamentalist restituitre altri si aspettano, rinunciare ad un amore malato che non porta da nessuna parte e aprirsi a quell'uomo che ci osserva in disparte giorno dopo giorno in silenzio, godere anche solo di quei pochi attimi con quella bella signora che viene insistentemente a lavarsi i capelli e che un giorno decide di farsi un taglio maschile in barba a tutti. Ma anche di rinunciare ancora una volta all'ultima chance della vita per non lasciare una sorella debole sola. Gli uomini sono tutti fuori ,certo se ne parla, ma come di un altra realtà, l'unico che riesce a penetrare in paruccheria è il poliziotto innamorato di Layale, perchè ha una diversa mentalità , è paziente, gentile, sa aspettare e desiderare senza pretendere . Bellissime le scene di Layale che cerca to make a squalid room of a third-rate hotel, having humiliated for not being able to claim to be married in a love nest and then not see the present lover ... but the friends you; Lilli the mad wandering with its follies, sensual, relaxing shampoo that washes over the ideas to the hair, and a call from Layali lover, spied on by a policeman who secretly self-interpreting the other person with himself . We ride with a light touch religious stereotypes, women, homosexuals, the middle class, to tell a Middle Eastern universe so far away and close to us, with women at all latitudes are trying to blend ancestral traditions - often created by men - trade or embankment, with a push to modernity. But we need to do this ancient art, who knows how to condense water by heating sugar and lemon juice in a saucepan to recreate that taste so sweet caramel and silky and so fierce on the skin for the uprooted hair. Why take care of your body is also to show love to others and why life is a bittersweet caramel.
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