1757le American colonies live the bloody Anglo-French war in which some Indian tribes are allied to the Europeans and others make war on him as the terrible Huron. Would rather live the simple life of the forest Moichani, of which only Chingachgook, a former tribal chief and his son Uncas, with the young White, Nathan Hawheye-Hawkeye, raised as a son by the head. But the war will inevitably involve an encounter with the young British officer and threatened Cora and Alice, daughters of Colonel Munro. From now on it will be a fierce struggle for survival, where the first to be sacrificed are the deepest suffering. Nathan is in love with Cora, arousing the jealousy of English of the young Alice and Uncas the Huron chief Magu wants for itself. Will be violent clashes, including many deaths Uncas and Alice, who falls into the ravine where the body was thrown of his beloved, to follow him and do not fall into the bloody hands of Maguire, who was later killed in turn. There remain only at the end of Hawkeye, Cora and Chingachgook, who stand before the precipice grave of his son, makes a sad farewell: "Great Spirit, and creator of life, a warrior goes to you, fast and straight as an arrow shot into the sun . Welcome to him, and let him take his place in the Grand Council of my people. It is Uncas, my son. Tell him to be patient, and 'me a quick death, because they are all there, except one, I, Chingachgook, Last of the Mohicans. " Unforgettable scenes from the film, with a wilderness that embraces all with its vast open spaces, a picture that alternates masterly landscapes that they know of old prints and very dark scenes as the hearts of men overwhelmed by the battle with themselves and each other. There is the taste of the adventures of the past, the epic of the major issues highlighted by the music, the strength of their feelings and even Manichaean extremes, the passion in every man's time to love, honor, duty, whose emotional impact ci penetra dentro lasciandoci senza respiro irrimediabilmente ieri come oggi, come tutto ciò che è ancestrale nell'essere umano.
Hawkeye a Cora "Devi vivere, non importa quello che accadrà: io ti troverò! Non importa quanto ci vorrà, fosse anche un secolo: io ti troverò! "
Cora " Tutto il mondo brucia! "
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