In a war in Beirut, trying to move forward in a kind of normality, the greyness of the torn streets, are the colors of a room skewed by the sign of beauty, ruled women from different, for religion, tastes, manners, and desires. The beautiful Layali loves a married man at that time that beeps, Nisrine is about to marry, but does not know how to explain that it is not a virgin, Rima is attracted to women. Jamal then wander up to make a fool obsessed by aging, Lili faded old lady that is rampant with his antics and his sister Rose who sacrificed his life to be near her and protect her. Among them, a discussion, spaleggiano, console themselves, they laugh, revealing the essence of truth made in sadness and joy that the world does not give out. Like any other woman in the world, you make choices: undergo surgery and the stupid fundamentalist restituitre altri si aspettano, rinunciare ad un amore malato che non porta da nessuna parte e aprirsi a quell'uomo che ci osserva in disparte giorno dopo giorno in silenzio, godere anche solo di quei pochi attimi con quella bella signora che viene insistentemente a lavarsi i capelli e che un giorno decide di farsi un taglio maschile in barba a tutti. Ma anche di rinunciare ancora una volta all'ultima chance della vita per non lasciare una sorella debole sola. Gli uomini sono tutti fuori ,certo se ne parla, ma come di un altra realtà, l'unico che riesce a penetrare in paruccheria è il poliziotto innamorato di Layale, perchè ha una diversa mentalità , è paziente, gentile, sa aspettare e desiderare senza pretendere . Bellissime le scene di Layale che cerca to make a squalid room of a third-rate hotel, having humiliated for not being able to claim to be married in a love nest and then not see the present lover ... but the friends you; Lilli the mad wandering with its follies, sensual, relaxing shampoo that washes over the ideas to the hair, and a call from Layali lover, spied on by a policeman who secretly self-interpreting the other person with himself . We ride with a light touch religious stereotypes, women, homosexuals, the middle class, to tell a Middle Eastern universe so far away and close to us, with women at all latitudes are trying to blend ancestral traditions - often created by men - trade or embankment, with a push to modernity. But we need to do this ancient art, who knows how to condense water by heating sugar and lemon juice in a saucepan to recreate that taste so sweet caramel and silky and so fierce on the skin for the uprooted hair. Why take care of your body is also to show love to others and why life is a bittersweet caramel.
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