Sottoscrivere questo manifesto è un’atto di resistenza civile e nonviolenta alle pseudo-leggi giudicate razziste anche da una risoluzione dell’Unione Europea.
Manifesto degli scienziati antirazzisti 2008
I. Le razze umane non esistono. L’esistenza delle razze umane è un’astrazione derivante da una cattiva interpretazione di piccole differenze fisiche fra persone, percepite dai nostri sensi, erroneamente associate a differenze "Psychological" and interpreted on the basis of age-old prejudices. These abstract subdivisions, based on the idea that humans form groups and inherited biologically distinct, they are pure inventions always used to arbitrarily classify men and women in the "best" and "worst" and then discriminate against them (always the weakest) , after being pointed out as the key to all evil in times of crisis.
II. Humanity is not made of large and small breeds. Instead, first of all, a network of people connected. It is true that human beings are aggregated into groups of individuals, local communities, ethnic groups, nations and civilizations; but this does not happen as they have the same genes but because they share stories, ideas and religions, customs and behaviors, arts and life styles, or cultures. The combinations are never stable yields of DNA identical to the contrary, they are subject to profound changes in history: they form, evolve, mix, break up and dissolve at a speed incompatible with the time required by processes of genetic selection.
III. In humans the concept of race has no biological significance. The analysis of human DNA has shown that genetic variability in our species, as well as lower than that of our cousins \u200b\u200bthe chimpanzee, gorilla and orangutan, is represented mainly by differences between persons of the same population, while the differences between populations and between different continents are small. The genes of two individuals of the same population are on average only slightly more similar to each other than those of people living in different continents. Precisely because of these small differences between populations, even racist scientists were never able to determine by how many races has made our species, and have produced estimates ranging between two and two hundred races.
IV. It is well established that the character most false and pernicious built the Nazi myth of identification with the "Aryan race", coinciding with the image of a warlike people, winner, "Pure" and "noble", with much of Europe, India and central Asia as the homeland, and language in the basic theory of Indo-European languages. Historical standpoint it is extremely difficult to identify the Aryan or the Aryans as a people, and the concept of Indo-European language family comes from a conventional classification. The modern archaeological data indicate, on the contrary, that Europe was populated in the Paleolithic from a population of African origin from which all descend, which overlapped in the Neolithic other immigrants from the Near East. The origin of the current Italian dates back to the African and Middle Eastern immigrants themselves who are still fabric live permanently in Europe. Despite the dramatic originality of fascist racism, we must also identify Nazi ally of the Italians with "Aryans."
V. It is a legend that the sixty million Italians of today are descended from families who live in Italy for at least a millennium. The Romans have built their empire encompassing people of diverse backgrounds and giving them the status of 'cives Romans'. The phenomena of social and cultural crossbreeding, which characterized the entire history of the peninsula, and attended by not only local people but also Greeks, Phoenicians, Jews, Africans, Hispanics, in addition to cosiddetti “barbari”, hanno prodotto l’ibrido che chiamiamo cultura italiana. Per secoli gli italiani, anche se dispersi nel mondo e divisi in Italia in piccoli Stati, hanno continuato a identificarsi e ad essere identificati con questa cultura complessa e variegata, umanistica e scientifica.
VI. Non esiste una razza italiana ma esiste un popolo italiano. L’Italia come nazione si é unificata solo nel 1860 e ancora adesso diversi milioni di italiani, in passato emigrati e spesso concentrati in città e quartieri stranieri, si dicono e sono tali. Una delle nostre maggiori ricchezze è quella di avere mescolato tanti popoli e avere scambiato con loro culture proprio “incrociandoci” fisicamente and culturally. Attributed to a nonexistent "purity of blood", the "nobility" of the "Nation" means reducing the homogeneity of a supposed biological component and the inhabitants of the Italian territory, a legacy of millenary cultures and extended.
VII. Racism is both homicidal and suicidal. The empires have become such thanks to the coexistence of peoples and cultures, but suddenly collapsed when they are fragmented. So it happened and happens in countries with civil wars and when, to stem crisis, minorities were taken as scapegoats. Racism is because suicide affects not only those belonging to people different but the same people who practice it. The trend indiscriminate hatred that fuels it, extends to every ideal infection any external or extraneous to an increasingly narrow definition of "normal." It affects those who are "out of line", the "mad", the "poor in spirit", gays and lesbians, poets, artists, writers, alternative, all those who are not approved for human types and standards in fact, allow humanity to constantly change and thus of living. Any living system is that, in fact, only is capable of changing human beings and we change with fewer genes and more with the inventions of our "benevolent disordered" brains.
VIII. Racism discrimination, denies links, sees threats in the thoughts and behaviors. For the defenders of the Italian race appears as a frightening threat to Africa and the Mediterranean is the sea that simultaneously separates and unites. This is why the racist claim that there is no "common Mediterranean race." To push further back the Africa's racist scientists erect a barrier against "Semitic" and "Hamites", with which you can easily get in touch. Science has made it clear that there is no clear genetic distinction between the Mediterranean Europe (West) on one side of the east and the other Africans. Have been absolutely proven, from the point of view from the paleontological and genetic theories that support the African origin of the peoples of the earth and understand them all in one race.
IX. Italian Jews are both Jewish and Italian. The Jews, like all migrant populations (migrant is no free will but many are needed), are scattered around the world and have been part of different cultures while simultaneously maintaining their own identity as a people and religion. So it happened for example with the Armenians, with the same Italian immigrants, and so is going on with migrants now: African Filipino, Chinese, Arabs of different countries, peoples belonging to Eastern European or South America, etc.. All these people have had the painful necessity of having to migrate but also lucky, at best, to get rich by joining their culture to that of the host, enriching them too, without wiping out, when it was possible, neither the one nor the ' other.
X. The racist ideology is based on fear of "alteration" of their race and yet be "bastards" is good. It is therefore quite blind to the fact that many companies recognize that to marry outside, even with your enemies is good, because they know that alliances sono molto più preziose delle barriere. Del resto negli umani i caratteri fisici alterano più per effetto delle condizioni di vita che per selezione e i caratteri psicologici degli individui e dei popoli non stanno scritti nei loro geni. Il “meticciamento” culturale é la base fondante della speranza di progresso che deriva dalla costituzione della Unione Europea. Un’Italia razzista che si frammentasse in “etnie” separate come la ex-Jugoslavia sarebbe devastata e devastante ora e per il futuro. Le conseguenze del razzismo sono infatti epocali: significano perdita di cultura e di plasticità, omicidio e suicidio, frammentazione e implosione non controllabili perché originate dalla ripulsa indiscriminata per chiunque consideriamo "Other than us."
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