Roma, 30 lug. (Apcom) - "Inizia oggi il conto alla rovescia, noi dell'Idv facciamo fatti, non parole e siamo determinati a chiedere ai cittadini italiani che cosa pensano della legge sull'impunità who became attached to the Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to stand trial does not. "He said the Italy of Values \u200b\u200bleader Antonio Di Pietro, before entering the Palace of Justice in Rome to settle the question for the referendum ' Repeal of the Alfano Bill. "We believe - said Di Pietro - the need to know in advance whether Berlusconi is a crook or a decent man, not after he ruled that, even after he made his own business." For this reason, Di Pietro concluded, "not quietly but with great determination filed today and this question over the next three months we will collect the necessary signatures because Italians are called to give a response: if the law is uguale per tutti meno che per i soliti furbacchioni".
Lo ribadisco, non amo in modo particolare Di Pietro, ma sinceramente sembra realmente l'unica voce fuori dal coro, l'unico che non lega con la "Casta" .. che dire, se promuove il referendum per abolire il "Lodo Alfano, certamente avrà il mio appoggio!!
Una precisazioni sulle menzogne che ci hanno propinato in questi giorni:
Si può dire, senza timore di essere smentiti, che di questa impunità non gode, nei Paesi Occidentali, alcun omologo del Cavaliere. Si citano spesso Francia e Spagna. Niente di più false.
In France, in fact, may be suspended processes in which it accused the head of state (which is quite different from Italian Prime Minister, being very different forms of government) but by constitutional law (not , as we have, based on a simple common law) and the establishment of an appropriate system of counterweights including the possibility for the Parliament in joint session, to decree a qualified majority for impeachment of the Head of State in the case of serious misconduct incompatible with the exercise of the function.
In Spain, however, cases involving members of government are examined by the Supreme Court, with permission to proceed by Parliament only for cases of high treason and crimes against the state.
In Spain, however, cases involving members of government are examined by the Supreme Court, with permission to proceed by Parliament only for cases of high treason and crimes against the state.
A system of immunity exists in other European countries, only Greece and Portugal, but even in these cases, concern only the Head of State.
It should be noted that even if the Constitutional Court were to declare the unconstitutionality of the "Lodo Alfano", there is a risk that Berlusconi succeeds, however, to avoid the verdict of the judges, albeit on a Law ad personam illegitimate but, even if it was wiped out, however, has been serving the goals for which was adopted.
The problem was suggested by Marco Travaglio.
The process in which Berlusconi is accused along with the famous lawyer Mills draws to a close. With the entry into force of the Lodo Alfano, the process is temporarily suspended in respect of the position of Berlusconi, and will continue against Mills. This means that if you come to the decision against him, the Court could not be more qualified to judge Berlusconi, having already ruled on the same act.
It follows that the proceedings against the latter dovrebbe, in tal caso, ripartire da zero, con giudici diversi (il processo, infatti, deve svolgersi davanti al medesimo giudice; non può riprendere davanti a un giudice diverso); il sopraggiungere della prescrizione sarebbe, in tal caso, pressoché certo; un'altra legge ad personam (la c.d. Ex Cirielli) ne aveva, infatti, abbreviato i termini, facilitando il compito dei legali di Berlusconi, che sono comunque coinvolti nella sua approvazione nella duplice veste di legislatori e avvocati difensori del beneficiario ...
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