Friday, October 24, 2008

Why Does My Skin Become Greenish After Shaving

This Story ... The Panther is back and the Internet is its new territory ...

Introvabile, Libera, Inafferrabile, Irrappresentabile

panther is always the symbol of the students in the fight

October 24, 2008: The GELMINI say clearly that the only possible negotiation is one that departs from the withdrawal of Law 133 and Decree Gelmini. The Movement is unrepresentable! The only viable interlocutor is us, the living body of the university!
October 23, 2008: Ramp protest across Italy, multiply occupations. Demonstrations, marches and blockades in Rome, Milan, Bologna, Turin, Naples, Pisa, Padua, Venice, Genoa, Florence, Palermo, Parma and other cities. WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE! Faced with the strength of the student movement, Berlusconi was forced to "correct" his statements showing the state of deep crisis in the government. We want to win, we win and win!

Beware hour populist government, from time immemorial, all protests, social and non- sono sempre partite dagli studenti, vero ed unico zoccolo duro a difesa delle libertà democratiche. E se questa è l'alba di un nuovo giorno sono felice di poterlo vivere con questi ragazzi, la vera ed unica linfa per un futuro di Libertà e Democrazia. Liby

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Does Herpes Ever Become Less Contagious

I'm hunting with Students - The Return of the Panther?

El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido !!!

Era dagli anni del "Movimento Studentesco" che non si registrava una così forte aggregazione contro un sopruso perpretato ai danni della formazione culturale e della ricerca. Che stiano tornando i tempi della Pantera .... ???
Il Movimento della Pantera è l' ultimo dei grandi movimenti studenteschi , queste ultime battaglie si combatterono nelle università . Tutte le università italiane furono occupate . Le vittorie della Pantera gettarono le basi della "autonomia" che caratterizzerà i tempi successivi.
La Pantera fu un movimento studentesco di protesta contro la riforma Ruberti, vedi Gelmini oggi, delle università italiane che nacque dall'occupazione dell'Università di Palermo, e in particolare della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, il 6 dicembre 1989 e si estese poi a numerose università italiane fino alla primavera del 1990
Nero advancing
"I will not allow the occupation of the university. The occupation of public places is not the demonstration of the application of freedom, is not a democracy, is violence against other students who want to study. Do you have 4-5 years to make the call on these things. I do not recede one inch. "Convene today - says Berlusconi - the interior minister and give him detailed instructions on how to intervene attraverso le forze dell’ordine per evitare che questo possa succedere. La realtà di questi giorni è la realtà di aule piene di ragazzi che intendono studiare e i manifestanti sono organizzati dall’estrema sinistra, molto spesso, come a Milano, dai centri sociali e da una sinistra che ha trovato il modo di far passare nella scuola delle menzogne e portare un’opposizione nelle strade e nelle piazze alla vita del nostro governo" Il Presidente del Consiglio, Silvio Berlusconi
Trovo molto interessante questo articolo tratto da : Taglialagelmini
Now the government is afraid of Simon Oggionni

Now the government is afraid. And when the regime is afraid flexes its muscles and throws warnings, deploying the police against occupazioni.Il President of the Council was keen to let us know that 'arretrerà an inch, which is that the Gelmini decree (and cuts , and the debasement of the public nature of research and education) will not be withdrawn. Even the movement
arretrerà an inch. Peacefully, continue to argue, protest and at the same time to produce the necessary proposals to ensure a real alternative to the demolition that is upon us. By networking with each other, as 're making hundreds of thousands of students, teachers, school workers, parents.
This is what frightens the government: The daily and massive growth of a nation that rejects the dismantling of the school and Italian universities, the curtailment of the already meager funds that support the shaky edifice of knowledge production in our country.
and then fight. It brings into play in person. Occupies. Self-sufficient. Manifesta.Il Berlusconi government would restore law and order established by the officers of the police and forced evictions. As if the thousands of students, researchers, teachers in these hours are defending, with their corpi e i propri presidi permanenti, scuole e università di tutta Italia non lottassero per un principio di legalità superiore.
Quella che, in punta di Costituzione, garantisce e tutela la libertà di riunione e di espressione delle proprie idee.
Quella che, sempre sul piano del diritto, difende per tutti l’istruzione e il suo carattere pubblico, universale, di massa.Per ostacolare questo bene si ribalta ideologicamente la realtà e si mette in campo lo Stato di polizia, minacciando di reprimere e soffocare.Come il movimento che sta nascendo ora nelle nostre università ha conosciuto nell’estate di qualche anno fa a Genova, oppure durante le tante manifestazioni dei lavoratori e dei disoccupati di Napoli, or more in Vicenza, in the midst of the struggle against the U.S. military base.
Every act of violence and abuse, past and present, has been and would be a mortal blow to the democratic nature of our country, to the substance and spirit of our rule of law.
Because there are promises truncheons, batons, but there are already given, even in these last frantic days and potentially decisive. As those of Milan, which in our memory (because the movements, as we know, have the ability to relate with extraordinary speed and pass their history) will remain for long.
And in charges incurred, beatings, violence in the movement learn, train.
But - I know Berlusconi - is a seemingly paradoxical teaching what it takes. Why will not react to violence with violence, but with his intelligence, his creativity, his critical ability and insight, his expertise in strengthening the bonds of solidarity and community and to spread like a virus salvation, our reasons and our watchwords.
All this will put it to serve one purpose: to force the government to withdraw the decree and Gelmini, this way, help the country raise its head, coming out of the torpor of the past few months and epidemically inaugurating a new era of opposition.
from schools and universities squares, factories, of the thousand points of social conflict.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Main Points To Developing An Anime Style

Berlusconi: Men, ideas, history - Umberto Bossi

Umberto Bossi - Northern League
Minister for Reforms for the Federal Government
Berlusconi IV

Berluscàz has only one papier machine, the North is ours. rises from the head the idea to make the premier. do not ever allow it to do: we can not send one that has been entered in p2, one that is born for defeat, one that has a lot of economic interests. for charity, we would have the deal that governs the country!

Berlusconi is a great entrepreneur who has a thousand interests and if the President of the Council will discuss its interest and a law so no one

Berlusconi is a dictator

Berlusconi entrepreneur? I have to laugh. If anything was the nominee. His project is nothing more than the plan of Gelli. The two strategies are consistent, Italy is the force P2 "

should trigger the law reconstituted the Fascist Party. The one thing there. And it can be shown easily. When they have no internal mechanism of choice. This party is set up by a gang of ten people that control hidden behind screens, do not respect the rules of the Constitution, called the coup President, empty of power and the Parliament want a top executive with no control. They also use the television, which policy instruments are put together by Berlusconi when he was in P2, as designed, Gelli: where the country from the political point of view should be formed by a line up right against the left after the breakdown of consociational mechanism that acted as a cushion . They used television as a club to make and unmake. It is undemocratic about a band which is why there's any judge who is investigating whether the crime of reconstitution of the Party Fascist

Berlusconi took money from the mafia, is a criminal

League The electorate does not vote, fascists, fascist pigs, and that Berlusconi and Fini

Berlusconi is an ugly pig accountable to the people of the north to be down in politics for the sole purpose of potholes. Berlusconi ficcherà the league in that place

Berlusconi seeks alliance with the League to confuse his legal problems with our

Berlusconi replies: where they come from his money? Is explained, the Knight. From the financial mafia? There are a hundred thousand young people in the North who have died because of drug
Fininvest has something like thirty-holding, of which sixteen hidden. Were made by a bank to be born in Palermo to Milan, the bank Rasin, the bank of Cosa Nostra in Milan

Man Arcore shows the same characteristics of the dictators, he insists in his desire not to withdraw the infamous decree Biondi that puts freedom in the worst thieves extortioner, corrupt, fences

was then that he decided to throw in the field of Berlusconi and his television, which are more than three, hidden behind the various nominees. A man from the past and unpresentable with a heritage built through funding from obscure investment companies: Cosa Nostra, Craxi, Andreotti, P2.
There 's some difference between us and him ... Too bad he's a mobster. The problem 'than in the North and the people' still divided between those who know that Berlusconi and 'a mobster and who is not yet known

Berlusconi is the man of the Mafia. Palermo is a talking Milanese, born in Palermo, a land wrong on purpose to screw up and sent to the North. Fininvest arose from Cosa Nostra

Berlusconi shows the same characteristics of the dictators. E 'in a double-kaiser. A petty tyrant, indeed, the actor-manager of the theater of politics. A mutual Perón. And 'much worse than Pinochet. It has something to Nazi, to the Mafia. The fox is a treacherous piduista ready to do raid my chicken run.

But there seem possible that someone who owns 340 companies will serve the interests of citizens? When one cries, get a laugh, it means that all is well, that has not yet managed to get my hands on the safe

rule it out, no more 'agreements with Polo. Three years ago they thought of us the curse. The Wizard Berlusconi said: "Whoever comes out of the magic circle, that 'my government, dies." We came out and sent back to the wizard spell.
The tricolor put it in the toilet, Mrs.

taken from newspapers and news agencies between 1994 and 1999
Processo Enimont: Condannato con sentenza definitiva dalla Cassazione a 8 mesi di reclusione per violazione della legge sul finanziamento pubblico ai partiti.

Vilipendio alla Bandiera Btaliana: Un anno e quattro mesi di reclusione (nel 2006 .. Ad Personam pena prevista è stata modificata dall'originaria detentiva ad una pecuniaria di 3.000 Euro)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Gay Meeting Spots Maryland

Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna - Che Guevara - June 14, 1928 - October 9, 1967

O siamo capaci di sconfiggere le idee contrarie con la discussione, o dobbiamo lasciarle express. You can not defeat the ideas by force, because it blocks the free development of intelligence

We are not the custodians of the truth, nor all the wisdom of the world, and we must learn day by day, and When we stop learning, or thought they knew everything, or we will have lost the ability to understand people and their youth, that's when we have ceased being revolutionaries

Vale million times more life of a single human being that all the properties of the richest man on earth

The real revolution we need to start it within us

the face of all dangers, in the face of all threats, assaults, blockades, sabotage, all the runners, all the powers that seek to restrain, we must demonstrate, once more, the ability of people to build their own story

If I die do not cry for me, do what I did and I will continue living in you. Remember, every now and then this little leader of the twentieth century ..

... Hasta la victoria siempre!

Ernesto Rafael Guevara De la Serna - Che Guevara

Noi ti dimenticheremo mai !!!!!! Liby

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Replace Non Dairy Creamer With Milk

Referendum Lodo Alfano

Non lasciarti sfuggire di mano la tua libertà. Firma in una delle piazze per il referendum contro il Lodo Alfano.
L'11 ottobre inizierà la raccolta delle firme per il referendum abrogativo del lodo Alfano. Approvato il 23 luglio, il lodo Alfano prevede la sospensione dei processi penali, even those in progress in respect of the 4 highest offices of the state. The Untouchables dunque.Ma Italians (or at least most) are not fools. Now understand that this law has served to save Berlusconi from the Mills trial, in which he is accused of corruption in judicial acts. Italians have already understood that the Parliament has used to think only about his business. Above all, the Italians have understood that a law that makes it immune from the law only four people antidemocratico.Questo the question is proposed: "Do you wish to be repealed the law July 23, 2008, n. 124, published in the Official Gazette No. 173 of 25 July 2008 laying down provisions on the suspension of criminal proceedings against senior state? ".


This brought the question: "Do you wish to be repealed the law July 23, 2008 , No. 124, published in the Official Gazette No. 173 of 25 July 2008 laying down provisions on the suspension of criminal proceedings against senior state? ".

Thanks Ashkenazi

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What Is The Best Store Bought Coleslaw Dressing?

against Berlusconi: Men, ideas, history - Roberto Calderoli

Roberto Calderoli (Lega Nord)
Minister for Regulatory Simplification of the Italian Republic
Government Berlusconi IV
"The gay culture has turned into a repository of Padania culattoni ... Here we risk becoming a nation of ricchioni. "

'Pacs and crap are based upon the parched various sex and these absurd claims of privilege by culattoni ... "

" If he had not yet understood to be culattoni is a cardinal sin and those who vote in favor of a law Di.Co. will end up in the flames of the deepest of Hell "

" It's a victory of the Italian identity of a team that fielded Lombards, Naples, Calabria and Veneto and beat a team, France, that, to obtain results, he sacrificed his identity fielding blacks, Muslims and communists. "

" When I say that the French national is formed by blacks, Muslims and communists, I say something objective and clear. France is a multiethnic nation, given its colonial past, something that I would not be proud of. But it's not my fault that some have been puzzled in front of a team that fielded seven blacks out of eleven players and if Barthez (goalkeeper) singing the Internationale instead of the Marseillaise, and if others prefer Mecca to Bethlehem. "

" The sewage is drained and the fact that Naples has now become a cesspool must eliminate all the rats in any manner whatsoever, and not just pretend to do so because the mice might also vote. "
" I am worried not only for the emergency situation that has developed in Naples, but because I fear that the words of the Head of State, when he speaks of an environmental emergency, social and cultural capital of Campania, can then be manipulated by someone, as I would not want someone can come to exploit and emphasize the murder victims to be able to justify yet another absurd and unjustified transfer of resources to a city for its environmental, social and cultural life and the criminal is an insult to the entire country. If he knew Putin would speak not only of the Camorra and the Mafia. "
" Ambulance attacked, as happens even in countries not at war, fire, urban guerrilla warfare with the police everything that is happening shows that Naples is not Italy. "

" What will return to the desert to talk to the camels in the jungle with monkeys, but at home you do as we say in our house! "
"Giving the vote to immigrants, does not seem the case, a civilized country can not vote on the bingo-bongos until a few years ago were still on the trees, the"
"With a salvo of back and one in front of the ships for illegal immigrants will not start! "
" There are ethnic groups with a greater propensity to work and others who have less. There are those who have a greater propensity to commit a crime "

" We will go to Brussels Po us, we will take a bit 'wisdom of the Cross to the people of pedophiles! "
" Against abbreviated rites or the certainty of pact della pena, quanto meno quella equa, inizia a vacillare e, quindi, nonostante in passato fossi stato contrario, inizio a ripensare se, per determinati delitti, quelli più efferati e crudeli, come quelli che hanno per bersaglio i bambini, non sia il caso di riconsiderare la pena di morte »

« La politica è teatro. Quando si alza il sipario io faccio la mia parte. »

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bathtub Ideas For 6 Month Old

Yes, the racial laws work! Thanks Berlusconi, ottimo lavoro !!

Ci risamo!! Ancora una volta la politica antirazziale del governo berlusconi, ci dona i suoi frutti. Ci stanno spingendo sempre più sulla strada della giustizia Fai da Te, dell'autoleggitimarsi di uomini che, visti i dscorsi politici in corso, si feel entitled to humiliate and beat up a guy whose only fault was to have a different color skin.
Congratulations to good governance, particularly at Maroni, the minister of all, the Minister of freedom
Parma: Taken for a hustler, Ghanaian beaten by policemen

stopped in front of school, chased, beaten, thrown to the ground, one foot trod on his head, put in handcuffs, stuck in the car service, new highs, led to the command of the municipal police Parma, made to strip, searched, even beaten, insulted ("Negro"), forced to sign the minutes of a mysterious interrogation. Released after nearly five hours of torture, the arrival of his father. The incredible adventure has seen a young player from Ghana, Emmanuel Bonsu Foster, 22, a regular immigrant. In his complaint to the police Emmanuel has reconstructed the sequence so that the saw for hours at the mercy of seven agents of the municipal police of Parma who had taken for a hustler.

Parma is the city in June had seen the birth of the homonymous card security granting more powers to mayors. In August, a young Nigerian prostitute stopped by police in execution of a decree antilucciole had been handcuffed and thrown on the floor in a filthy cell. The newspapers had published the photo and the chairman of the Senate Schifani had requested an explanation from the prefect of the city of Emilia. Now the case of Emmanuel explodes the "Negro" as someone wrote next to his first name on the envelope of the City of Parma has been delivered and contains documents and minutes of the arrest. The National Bureau against Racial Discrimination (A) of the Ministry for Equal Opportunities has opened an investigation. An internal investigation was also launched by the City of Parma, after the meeting between the safety assessor, Costantino Monteverdi, and the leaders of the municipal police. The commissioner said that "it was a busy stop, two policemen were bruised."
The sequence opens on Monday evening, around 18.30. Foster attended the Itis, a night school in Via Toscana, opposite the park ex Eridania. Came to school, laid the books, Emmanuel came out for a walk in the park waiting for the lessons. Two men behind him talking on the phone, third man approached him and without saying a word he grabbed her hands while the other two pinned him. "I managed to break free and fled. Meanwhile, there's three other men, only one you could tell by how he was dressed that he was a policeman. " The chase ends quickly, the guy is tackled, thrown to the ground, immobilized. Prono, someone plant the sole of the shoe on his head, another shakes the handcuffs, third punches him in the eye sinistroche has a strong swelling.
"They used batons and water bottles to hit 'charge. The drive up service on the car, beat him again until Emmanuel stops wiggling. "I said," Negro "and beaten." Emmanuel
few months are going to work as a volunteer in a community for recovering drug addicts. Explanations? Nessuna. «Mi hanno soltanto detto che mi hanno arrestato perché ero scappato». Al padre sarà offerta una versione diversa: Emmanuel si è rifiutato di mostrare i documenti ed è stato portato al comando per accertamenti sulla sua identità. «Al parco mi avevano svuotato le tasche e sequestrati il cellulare, la tessera della biblioteca, la tessera dell’autobus e un po’ di spiccioli- racconta Emmanuel - Al comando mi hanno spogliato completamente, sbattuto in cella con un tizio che non avevo mai visto. “Lui ha confessato e ha detto che c’eri anche tu”, mi dicevano. Mi tiravano fuori dalla cella e mi risbattevano dentro. Avevo paura. Ho chiesto di vedere mio padre ma niente. Volevano farmi firmare dei fogli, I said that I would. " By and by, the guy signed.
Now the boy confesses that he was afraid and of more. Skin color is clearly not an irrelevant detail, even in a city firm, rich and linked to traditions of civilization, such as Parma. Marina Sereni, vice president of Members of the Democratic Party, calls for clarification from Interior Minister Roberto Maroni. Italy has become a racist country?
article: Renzo Parodi