against Berlusconi: Men, ideas, history - Roberto Calderoli Roberto Calderoli (Lega Nord) Minister for Regulatory Simplification of the Italian Republic
Government Berlusconi IV
"The gay culture has turned into a repository of Padania culattoni ... Here we risk becoming a nation of ricchioni. "
'Pacs and crap are based upon the parched various sex and these absurd claims of privilege by culattoni ... "
" If he had not yet understood to be culattoni is a cardinal sin and those who vote in favor of a law Di.Co. will end up in the flames of the deepest of Hell "
" It's a victory of the Italian identity of a team that fielded Lombards, Naples, Calabria and Veneto and beat a team, France, that, to obtain results, he sacrificed his identity fielding blacks, Muslims and communists. "
" When I say that the French national is formed by blacks, Muslims and communists, I say something objective and clear. France is a multiethnic nation, given its colonial past, something that I would not be proud of. But it's not my fault that some have been puzzled in front of a team that fielded seven blacks out of eleven players and if Barthez (goalkeeper) singing the Internationale instead of the Marseillaise, and if others prefer Mecca to Bethlehem. "
" The sewage is drained and the fact that Naples has now become a cesspool must eliminate all the rats in any manner whatsoever, and not just pretend to do so because the mice might also vote. "
" I am worried not only for the emergency situation that has developed in Naples, but because I fear that the words of the Head of State, when he speaks of an environmental emergency, social and cultural capital of Campania, can then be manipulated by someone, as I would not want someone can come to exploit and emphasize the murder victims to be able to justify yet another absurd and unjustified transfer of resources to a city for its environmental, social and cultural life and the criminal is an insult to the entire country. If he knew Putin would speak not only of the Camorra and the Mafia. "
" Ambulance attacked, as happens even in countries not at war, fire, urban guerrilla warfare with the police everything that is happening shows that Naples is not Italy. "
" What will return to the desert to talk to the camels in the jungle with monkeys, but at home you do as we say in our house! "
"Giving the vote to immigrants, does not seem the case, a civilized country can not vote on the bingo-bongos until a few years ago were still on the trees, the"
"With a salvo of back and one in front of the ships for illegal immigrants will not start! "
" There are ethnic groups with a greater propensity to work and others who have less. There are those who have a greater propensity to commit a crime "
" We will go to Brussels Po us, we will take a bit 'wisdom of the Cross to the people of pedophiles! "
" Against abbreviated rites or the certainty of pact della pena, quanto meno quella equa, inizia a vacillare e, quindi, nonostante in passato fossi stato contrario, inizio a ripensare se, per determinati delitti, quelli più efferati e crudeli, come quelli che hanno per bersaglio i bambini, non sia il caso di riconsiderare la pena di morte »
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