Ci risamo!! Ancora una volta la politica antirazziale del governo berlusconi, ci dona i suoi frutti. Ci stanno spingendo sempre più sulla strada della giustizia Fai da Te, dell'autoleggitimarsi di uomini che, visti i dscorsi politici in corso, si feel entitled to humiliate and beat up a guy whose only fault was to have a different color skin.
Congratulations to good governance, particularly at Maroni, the minister of all, the Minister of freedom
Parma: Taken for a hustler, Ghanaian beaten by policemen
stopped in front of school, chased, beaten, thrown to the ground, one foot trod on his head, put in handcuffs, stuck in the car service, new highs, led to the command of the municipal police Parma, made to strip, searched, even beaten, insulted ("Negro"), forced to sign the minutes of a mysterious interrogation. Released after nearly five hours of torture, the arrival of his father. The incredible adventure has seen a young player from Ghana, Emmanuel Bonsu Foster, 22, a regular immigrant. In his complaint to the police Emmanuel has reconstructed the sequence so that the saw for hours at the mercy of seven agents of the municipal police of Parma who had taken for a hustler.
Parma is the city in June had seen the birth of the homonymous card security granting more powers to mayors. In August, a young Nigerian prostitute stopped by police in execution of a decree antilucciole had been handcuffed and thrown on the floor in a filthy cell. The newspapers had published the photo and the chairman of the Senate Schifani had requested an explanation from the prefect of the city of Emilia. Now the case of Emmanuel explodes the "Negro" as someone wrote next to his first name on the envelope of the City of Parma has been delivered and contains documents and minutes of the arrest. The National Bureau against Racial Discrimination (A) of the Ministry for Equal Opportunities has opened an investigation. An internal investigation was also launched by the City of Parma, after the meeting between the safety assessor, Costantino Monteverdi, and the leaders of the municipal police. The commissioner said that "it was a busy stop, two policemen were bruised."
The sequence opens on Monday evening, around 18.30. Foster attended the Itis, a night school in Via Toscana, opposite the park ex Eridania. Came to school, laid the books, Emmanuel came out for a walk in the park waiting for the lessons. Two men behind him talking on the phone, third man approached him and without saying a word he grabbed her hands while the other two pinned him. "I managed to break free and fled. Meanwhile, there's three other men, only one you could tell by how he was dressed that he was a policeman. " The chase ends quickly, the guy is tackled, thrown to the ground, immobilized. Prono, someone plant the sole of the shoe on his head, another shakes the handcuffs, third punches him in the eye sinistroche has a strong swelling.
"They used batons and water bottles to hit 'charge. The drive up service on the car, beat him again until Emmanuel stops wiggling. "I said," Negro "and beaten." Emmanuel
few months are going to work as a volunteer in a community for recovering drug addicts. Explanations? Nessuna. «Mi hanno soltanto detto che mi hanno arrestato perché ero scappato». Al padre sarà offerta una versione diversa: Emmanuel si è rifiutato di mostrare i documenti ed è stato portato al comando per accertamenti sulla sua identità. «Al parco mi avevano svuotato le tasche e sequestrati il cellulare, la tessera della biblioteca, la tessera dell’autobus e un po’ di spiccioli- racconta Emmanuel - Al comando mi hanno spogliato completamente, sbattuto in cella con un tizio che non avevo mai visto. “Lui ha confessato e ha detto che c’eri anche tu”, mi dicevano. Mi tiravano fuori dalla cella e mi risbattevano dentro. Avevo paura. Ho chiesto di vedere mio padre ma niente. Volevano farmi firmare dei fogli, I said that I would. " By and by, the guy signed.
Now the boy confesses that he was afraid and of more. Skin color is clearly not an irrelevant detail, even in a city firm, rich and linked to traditions of civilization, such as Parma. Marina Sereni, vice president of Members of the Democratic Party, calls for clarification from Interior Minister Roberto Maroni. Italy has become a racist country?
article: Renzo Parodi
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