O siamo capaci di sconfiggere le idee contrarie con la discussione, o dobbiamo lasciarle express. You can not defeat the ideas by force, because it blocks the free development of intelligence
We are not the custodians of the truth, nor all the wisdom of the world, and we must learn day by day, and When we stop learning, or thought they knew everything, or we will have lost the ability to understand people and their youth, that's when we have ceased being revolutionaries
Vale million times more life of a single human being that all the properties of the richest man on earth
The real revolution we need to start it within us
the face of all dangers, in the face of all threats, assaults, blockades, sabotage, all the runners, all the powers that seek to restrain, we must demonstrate, once more, the ability of people to build their own story
If I die do not cry for me, do what I did and I will continue living in you. Remember, every now and then this little leader of the twentieth century ..
... Hasta la victoria siempre!
Ernesto Rafael Guevara De la Serna - Che Guevara
Noi ti dimenticheremo mai !!!!!! Liby
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