Berluscàz has only one papier machine, the North is ours. rises from the head the idea to make the premier. do not ever allow it to do: we can not send one that has been entered in p2, one that is born for defeat, one that has a lot of economic interests. for charity, we would have the deal that governs the country!
Berlusconi is a great entrepreneur who has a thousand interests and if the President of the Council will discuss its interest and a law so no one
Berlusconi is a dictator
Berlusconi entrepreneur? I have to laugh. If anything was the nominee. His project is nothing more than the plan of Gelli. The two strategies are consistent, Italy is the force P2 "
should trigger the law reconstituted the Fascist Party. The one thing there. And it can be shown easily. When they have no internal mechanism of choice. This party is set up by a gang of ten people that control hidden behind screens, do not respect the rules of the Constitution, called the coup President, empty of power and the Parliament want a top executive with no control. They also use the television, which policy instruments are put together by Berlusconi when he was in P2, as designed, Gelli: where the country from the political point of view should be formed by a line up right against the left after the breakdown of consociational mechanism that acted as a cushion . They used television as a club to make and unmake. It is undemocratic about a band which is why there's any judge who is investigating whether the crime of reconstitution of the Party Fascist
Berlusconi took money from the mafia, is a criminal
League The electorate does not vote, fascists, fascist pigs, and that Berlusconi and Fini
Berlusconi is an ugly pig accountable to the people of the north to be down in politics for the sole purpose of potholes. Berlusconi ficcherà the league in that place
Berlusconi seeks alliance with the League to confuse his legal problems with our
Berlusconi replies: where they come from his money? Is explained, the Knight. From the financial mafia? There are a hundred thousand young people in the North who have died because of drug
Fininvest has something like thirty-holding, of which sixteen hidden. Were made by a bank to be born in Palermo to Milan, the bank Rasin, the bank of Cosa Nostra in Milan
Man Arcore shows the same characteristics of the dictators, he insists in his desire not to withdraw the infamous decree Biondi that puts freedom in the worst thieves extortioner, corrupt, fences
was then that he decided to throw in the field of Berlusconi and his television, which are more than three, hidden behind the various nominees. A man from the past and unpresentable with a heritage built through funding from obscure investment companies: Cosa Nostra, Craxi, Andreotti, P2.
There 's some difference between us and him ... Too bad he's a mobster. The problem 'than in the North and the people' still divided between those who know that Berlusconi and 'a mobster and who is not yet known
Berlusconi is the man of the Mafia. Palermo is a talking Milanese, born in Palermo, a land wrong on purpose to screw up and sent to the North. Fininvest arose from Cosa Nostra
Berlusconi shows the same characteristics of the dictators. E 'in a double-kaiser. A petty tyrant, indeed, the actor-manager of the theater of politics. A mutual Perón. And 'much worse than Pinochet. It has something to Nazi, to the Mafia. The fox is a treacherous piduista ready to do raid my chicken run.
But there seem possible that someone who owns 340 companies will serve the interests of citizens? When one cries, get a laugh, it means that all is well, that has not yet managed to get my hands on the safe
rule it out, no more 'agreements with Polo. Three years ago they thought of us the curse. The Wizard Berlusconi said: "Whoever comes out of the magic circle, that 'my government, dies." We came out and sent back to the wizard spell.
The tricolor put it in the toilet, Mrs.
taken from newspapers and news agencies between 1994 and 1999
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