Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Store Can I Find Metallic Jeans

Babette's Feast

Martina and Philippa, aged two unmarried sisters, daughters of a stern Lutheran pastor living in a remote village on the coast of Denmark, where are a kind of spiritual guidance. They have given up a lot in life including the love of a French opera singer and an officer in the name of an absurd intransigent moderation and live a quiet life as benefactors, but aseptic. The monotony of the village is broken by the arrival of a sad-looking French on the run the revolution, on the ancient prayer tenor love the house, and she offers to serve in exchange for free room and board only. Slowly things are changed in two sisters with Babette, who dimostarà irreplaceable, devoted, friendly with everyone, and will realize subtly, that the serenity of the village is in reality hotbed of bitterness and hints for their inhabitants. After years of France comes surprising news: Babette has won a neutral figure in the lottery, they are all crippled. She asked for carte blanche memorable meal of thanksgiving. Uncertain of the lunch, but sure to lose their precious and quiet Babette, the two women agree, repenting now seeing the enormous amount of food so gorgeous that she does come from everywhere, and clearly anti-moderate. Comes the night of the dinner's sent to us are doubting, for each fatality find quell'ufficialetto hour general who always carried in his heart the sweetness of this girl. Elaborately dishes begin to arrive, first with distrust and fervently enjoy all that divine moment of pleasure incomensurabile, each dish a wonderful refinement, a unique poem, a life-giving experience. They feel the world go by, but not fully grasp the importance of what we have tasted, until the general does not state that such a fine meal and full of art was able to create only the greatest chef di Parigi, e che il costo di una simile tavolata è al di là di ogni immaginazione, allora si scopre che Babette è quella cuoca sopraffina, vittima della rivoluzione vi ha perso consorte, figlio, tutta la sua vita di prima, ma qui ha trovato la pace. Si tutta la sua fortuna improvvisa è stata spesa in questo banchetto, ma sa di aver fatto vivere per una sera l’arte di cui è capace e aver reso felici, anche solo per un momento sublime, persone che l’hanno accolta e che ama e che non intende lasciare. Per questo può rispondere al generale che le dice "Così ora sarete povera per il resto dei vostri giorni... Un artista non è mai povero ......ho dato solo il meglio di me ". L’altro e l’arte, i colori pure pleasure that win the reluctance of the cold formalism of rigorous moral end in itself, proving that passion and love are not heat fancy a set of rules and frigid castrating. The well is not only a hot soup, that's small mercy, the good is to give all of himself, giving himself without hesitation, giving warmth to the body as the soul, and love is unconditional love gives a bright light, even in the darkest nights .
General: "I've spent with you every day of my life. Tell me what you know. [...] Tell me that you also know that I'll still be with you every day that is given me to live. Every hour sit to dine with you, not with my body, it does not matter, but by my spirit. Why I learned tonight, my dear, that in our wonderful world everything is possible. "

The two sisters at the end of that memorable evening:" The stars have come closer. Perhaps it will be closer every night. "


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