Series D
Montecchio-Torviscosa 3-4
Excellence Group A
Cerea Abano-1-1 Morandi (Abano) Bonfà (Cerea)
Ambrosiana-Chiampo 2-1 Lorenzini e Peretti (Ambrosiana) Piccoli (Chiampo)
Campodarsego-Somma 3-1 Bonato (Somma) Viola (2) e Molinari (Campodarsego)
Torna al successo il Campodarsego... Primo tempo di assedio per il Campodarsego. La squadra di Damiano Longhi mette sotto i veronesi in lungo e in largo. Al 1´ è Formenton con un tiro a girare a colpire subito il paolo della porta difesa da Antonini . E´ un monologo del Campodarsego che al 4´ con Viola mette la sfera sopra la traversa. Al 20´ Formenton serve Maritan , ma la conclusione dell´ex Albignasego is weak. It seems the goal of mature hosts. Instead the 21 'is the sum to spend on the first lunge: cross and Rossi winning shot that beat an innocent Meneghello ... At 40 'finally arrives 1-1 with Viola that adjusts and settles in a perfect cross network of Riberto. In the final part of the first fraction with an opportunity to Bonato and Viola. The second half was more balanced. 1 'Riberto serving Viola, however, it is anticipated that the most beautiful .. And at 30 'finally passes Campodarsego free-kick from 20 meters Molinari, pole and internal goals. Race closed? Quite the contrary. Why the 32 'Tommasi impensierisce Meneghello. Nel recupero ci pensa così Viola a sigillare la partita. (dal sito del Campodarsego )
Elleesse La Loggia-Marano 1-0 Cuman
MM Sarego-Monselice 0-0
Rivoli-U. Vigontina 1-1 Finazzi (Rivoli) Filippini (Vigontina)
Filippini (in una foto di repertorio con la maglia del Bolzano) ha fatto il suo esordio con la Vigontina andando subito a segno. |
S. Lucia Golosine - Real Vicenza 3 - 1 Mecaj per il Real Vicenza
Trissino-Garcia M. Arzignano postponed because of the impracticability field
Scorers (first position):
14 Goals: Moretto (Ceredigion)
9 goals: Gwendolyn (Trissino)
7 goals: Mecaj ( Real Vi)
6 goals: Lopez (Real Vi)
5 networks: Ndzinga (Monselice )
in bold the players who went to sign
Rank: Monselice 24, Mm Sarego 22, Real and I Trissino 20, Team St. Lucia and Ceredigion 19, Ambrose 18, Abano 15, Marano Campodarsego and 13, and Sum 12 Vigontina, Arzignano 11, Ellesse and Chiampo 10, Rivoli 9.
Abano, Ellesse, Marano, Team Saint Lucia, Real You, Mm Sarego Trissino Arzignano and a game in hand.
Excellence Group B
A. Moriago-Favaro Veneto 0-1
DoloRiviera-Adries 3-1 Niero (2) Fantin (Dolo)
continues the tradition of positive BiancoGranata in the home match against Adries that does not win in Dolo from 38 years. Beyond the historical statistics, the three points today were too important to be won i BiancoGranata che grazie a questa vittoria si portano a quota 14 a +3 dalla zona Play Out. La vittoria è stata nel complesso meritata dai BiancoGranata perché nell’arco dei novanta minuti hanno creato più occasioni da gol rispetto all’Adriese. In casa rodigina si recrimina per una caduta in area dolese all’86’ di un giocatore rossoblù sul risultato di 2-1. Il direttore di gara non ha ritenuto che ci fossero gli estremi per il calcio di rigore.
Miranese- Feltrese 1-1 Vettoretto (Feltrese), Santagata (Miranese)
Giorgione-Romano Ezzelino 0-0
Lia Piave-Ponzano 2-3 Vailati, Gagno e Orlandi M. (Ponzano), Benetton e Calzavara (Lia Piave)
Marostica-New Piovese 1-1 Just tie between Marostica and Piovese after a drawn game. First time visitor make several times that he worries the retoguardia Scala without finding the right gate. For Marosticense important occasion on razor Cacciotti out a little. The resumption saw a Marostica converted to put the ropes Piovese with Dorio who repeatedly hurled the ball toward the door, finding a red and white in a superlative Manzoli paiom occasions. But the Rossoneri's supremacy was realized thanks to Costenaro that from close range with a jab was the extreme dry host. Third goal of the season for the giant defense. Right at that moment the referee with a bizarre decision imposed on Dissegna second yellow resulting in expulsion (the first of his career for our Angel faces ...). The governing well Marosticense suffered shock, only a capitololando Biro of Europol. The guests tried to overtake but Crestan was good guard. In the end Milan's pride forced them to withdraw and not to suffer even mockery. (From the site of Marostica)
Rossano 2004-2000 Delta 0-2 Grandmother and Santaterra
Vittorio SMC-Submarine 3-4
rank: Delta 32, Ponzano 22, Bold 21, and Giorgione Miranese 18, Feltrese 16, Lia Piave, submarines and Piovese 15, Dolo 14, Victor 13, 11 Rossano and Romano Marosticense 10, Favaro 7, 6 Adries . Favaro
two games less, Feltrese, Submarine, Marostica and Rossano a game in hand
Goalscorers (first position):
9 goals: Santagata (Mirano) Benetton (Lia Piave)
7 goals : Marangon and Santaterra (Delta)
6 goals: Sabatini (Submarine) Fino (A. Moriago)
5 goals: Gazzola (Giorgione)
Promotion Group A
Alba Borgo Roma 0-1 Lugagnano
Caldiero Spa-Vigasio 0-1
Casaleone-New Valdagno 2-0 Berardo and Soave
Cornedo-Amateur Nogara postponed because of the impracticability field
Illasi-Cadidavid 2-1
Oppeano-Belfiorese 0-0
Raldon-Benaco 1-0
Sona Mazza - San Martin 1-2
Standings : Caldiero Football 25, Raldon 23, 21 Oppeano, New Valdagno and Benaco 19, Lugagnano, Casaleone 18, Vigasio 17, Cornedo 16, Nogales 15 Amateurs, Belfiorese 14, Alba Borgo Roma 11, Illasi, San Martino Speme e Cadidavid 8, Sona Mazza 2.
Raldon, Nuova Valdagno una gara da recuperare
Promozione Girone B
Istrana-Thiene 1-1 Favaretto (Istrana) e Maistro (Thiene)
Sarcedo-Vedelago rinviata per impraticabilità del campo
Così si presentava oggi lo Stadio di Sarcedo, con il campo ghiacciato: la partita è stata rinviata. (dal sito del Vedelago) |
Caldogno-Mussolente 3-0 Gresele, Barbieri and Panozzo
horned-N. Piombino
Longare 2-3 - 1-0 Rose Novek
S. The Ripa-Floriano Fenadora 0-1 Andrighetti
V. Roman Camisano 0-0
Zero White-Schio 0-0
Saint Florian, Schio and La Fenadora 22, Piombino and 21 Vedelago Istrana 18, Thien and Zero Branco 15, Sarcedo, Mussolente Caldogno and 14, and Rosa Longare 13, 10 Camisano, horned and Roman Virtus 6;
Thien and Longare 2 Partito in meno, San Floriano, Ripa A Fenadora, Piombino, Schio, Caldogno, horned, and Sarcedo Vedelago ; a game in hand.
First Class Group B
BorgoScaligero Soave - Proves 0-4 Patrick, Tregnaghi, Cantachin, Donatello.
Finally he begins to play after two matches suspended ... A masterful performance of our children, who have sunk with 4 goals a Soave, impotent throughout the game. The beautiful first goal by Patrik, Bottaro striker's cross to head to the left of goalie bags. Bella also the second goal on free kick from 25 meters by Tregnaghi with a powerful shot low shot that always goes on the left corner of the goal. The second time the beautiful goals, always on punishment station, 20 meters by Cantachin of which puts it in the right crossing over the barrier. In the end goal of the match deserved for the commitment of Donatello's cross Bottaro (inexhaustible and best player today) stops to limit area and burns with a low shot to the goalkeeper. (From the website Proves)
Tezze - Minerbe 2-0
Cologna Veneta - Isola Rizza 1-0
Gambugliano - Prix Towers 2-2
Leodari - Tregnago postponed because of the impracticability field
Locara - Lonigo 1-2
St. John Hilary - Bevilacqua 1-1
Valdalpone - Sovizzo 1-2 Tomassini e Cenzi per il Sovizzo
La trasferta con il Valdalpone, si è confermata molto insidiosa per i ragazzi di mister Crivellaro. Sotto di un gol alla fine del primo tempo e avendo sprecato le solite 4/5 limpide occasioni da gol, Zanderigo e compagni hanno avuto il merito di crederci sempre, e, con Tomassin i prima e Cenzi poi, hanno ribaltato e meritato la vittoria. E' il 40' e a sorpresa i locali si trovano in vantaggio con Righetto abile a sfruttare una palla che la difesa neroverde, dopo il miracolo di Priante su tiro dalla distanza, non riusciva a liberare. Nel secondo tempo mister Crivellaro rinuncia a Frighetto Luca e insert Cenzo so as to give more weight forward and after that it eats literally Ceola of kicking the ball over the crossbar from the center alone, also part of El Ghoubni own instead of Ceola . Finally at the 65 'comes up with Tomassini quick to strike his head a cross from the left. The Sovizzo increases the pressure and the 80 'Low flies on the left overlay Zanderigo , reaches the bottom and makes a delightful ball to center: Cenzo and swoops around the net.
(photos and commentary are taken from the site of Sovizzo)
Tommasini of Sovizzo |
Tezze 23, The Prix Proves Towers, 20, Cologne 19 Veneta, Bevilacqua 17, Minerbe, Lonigo, and St. John Hilary Sovizzo 16 , Tregnago 14, Leodari Vicenza 12, Valdalpone 11, Gambugliano 10, Borgo Scaliger Soave, Locara 8, Isola Rizza 7.
Leodari three games to recover. Proves, Cologne, Lonigo, Sovizzo Tregnago and two games to be recovered; Tezze, The Towers, Borgo Scaliger Gambugliano and Isola Rizza, a game to retrieve.
First Class Group C
Nine - Malo 1-0
Belvedere - Olympia 1-0
Vito S. L. - Cartigliano 3-1
Onara .- Torre Valli 4-0
Dueville Prix - High Astico postponed impracticability of the field
Perlena S. Giorgio - San Giorgio in Bosco postponed impracticability Field
Tremignon San Giorgio - Carmenta 0-0
Summania - Sandhurst Blue postponed impracticability of the field
Rank: Nine
23, San Giorgio in Bosco 21, Malo 20, 19 Belvedere, P. and St George Dueville 18, scrolls and San Vito L. 17, Sandhurst and Carmenta Blue 16, St. George Tremignon 15, Summania 13, Torre Valley 9, High Astico, Olympia, Onara 8.
Dueville three games less, Malo, scrolls, San Giorgio di P., Belvedere, San Vito L. Torre Valley and High Astico a game in hand.
First Class Group D
Harbour - Nova Nova
0-1 Gens Gens rises to 16 points. The port remains in last place.
First Class Group E
Limerick - Two Mountains 1-2 Minchio Edwards and the Two Mountains
The Two Mountains climbs to fourth in the standings with 20 points,
First Class Group F
Borso S. Eusebio - Caerano 1-2
Campese - San Fortunato 3-1
Cisonese - Luparense 1-3
Concordia Source - Soccer 1-0 Sp Bosa
Godigese-Limavady 0-1 Arrigo
Marchesane - Campi 1-2
Plavis - Hull 0-0 (fields reversed)
Pove - Follinese 0-0
Cisonese, and Concordia Caerano F. 20, Hull and Follinese 19, Sp and Limavady Football 17, Campese 16, and Borso Pove 15, Luparense 14, 13 San Fortunato, 12 Campi, Plavis 11, Godigese 8, Marchesane 5.
Hull, Sp Football, Limavady and Campi two games less, Cisonese, Concordia, Bags, Caerano, San Fortunato, Pove, Godigese a game in hand.
Second Category Group C
Arso - High Cecca to postponed impracticability of the field
Brentwood - St. Lucia They Lobia 1-4 (2), Passariello, Facchin for Saint Lucia, Pieropan for Brentwood
Colognola - Grancona 3-2 Pieropan (2) per il Grancona, Bonamini, Rama ed Albi per il Colognola
Hellas Monteforte - Roncà 2-1
La Contea - Valtramigna 1-0 Rasia Dal Polo
Montecchio S.P. - Albaronco 1-0 Chiarello
Montorio - Gav S.Michele 2-1
Napoleonica - San Vitale 1995 1-2 Dolfo (2) per il San Vitale, Scitta per la Napoleonica
Classifica: S.Lucia L. 24, Montecchio Sp 21, San Vitale 19, Alte 18, Colognola ed Hellas M. 17, Arso e Montorio 16, Grancona, La Contea e Roncà 14, Albaronco, Valtramigna 13, Verona Gav and Napoleonic 8, Brentwood 1.
Alte, Arso, Grancona, Albaronco, County, Gav Verona, Napoleon 2 games less, Montecchio Sp, Colognola, Ronco, San Vitale, Hellas M., Montorio, a game in hand.
Second Category Group D
Spes Buzzard - Merlara 1-0
the expenditure before with 31 points (in 12 matches!) Maintains 5 points on Scaligera.
Second Category Group E
Ca 'Thirty - Berton Bolz.Vi. postponed because of the impracticability field
Castelgomberto - Costabissara 1-1
Cresole 80 - Recoaro 2-0
IsolaCastelnovo - Poleo Aste 2-2
Monteviale - Orsiana 1-4
Ponte dei Nori - Molina rinviata per impraticabilità del campo
Quinto Vicentino - Concordia 1-0
Silva 1950 - Valdastico 1-3
Classifica: Orsiana 22, Quinto 20, Cresole e Poleo 19, Costabissara e Valdastico 18, Cà Trenta, Molina 16, Castelgomberto 15, Berton 14, Monteviale 13, Ponte dei Nori e Isola 12, Recoaro 8, Concordia 7, Silva 6.
Seconda Categoria Girone F
Canove - Grangemouth postponed because of the impracticability field
Fides - BP93 3-1
Juventina Lakes - St. Anne Longa
1970 0-2 - 0-0 Vallonara
Calvene Lugo - Colceresa MPM
SPF 3-0 - 2-2 Breganze
Toniolo R. - Fara S. Vitale 3-0
Tre Ci - Marola postponed because of the impracticability field
Toniolo R. and S. Anna 26, 21 J. Lake, Canove 20, Tre Ci 19, and BP93 Fara S. Vitale 17, 16 Lugo, Vallonara 15, Spf 12, Marola 11, St. Peter Fides 9, Grangemouth and Long 8, Colceresa 6, Breganze 2.
Marola and three games in less than SPF, Toniolo, Canova, Grangemouth, We Three and two games in less Breganze, S. Anna, Vallonara, Lugo, Fides, Longa, Colceresa a game in hand.
Second Category Group G
Altavilla - Rivereel 2-3 to sign for the Altavilla Bedin and Rizky
Hills Hills - Cervarese
Euganea Rovolon 1-2 - 1-0 Torreglia
Maddalene - Real Monteforte 3-2 For Real to sign Brunazzi and Fiorentini
Riviera Berica-Sossano 0-0
S. Maria Camira - Campodoro 0-1
S.Paolo - Fimarc 3-4 per il San Paolo Rizzato (2) e Reali
Union Olmo - S.Lazzaro Serenissima 0-3 Parisotto e Pegoraro (2)
Riviera Berica 24, San Lazzaro 22, Rivereel e Fimarc 20, San Lazzaro 19, Real Monteforte e Cervarese 18, Sossano 17, San Paolo 16, Santa Maria C. 15, Maddalene ed Euganea 13, Colli Euganei 12, Campodoro 9, Union Olmo, Torreglia 8, Altavilla 6.
Real Monteforte, Sossano, Maddalene, Euganea, Union Olmo, due partite in meno; Riviera Berica, Rivereel, San Paolo, Cervarese, Santa Maria, Fimarc, Torreglia a game in hand.
Second Round Category Q
Altivolese - Angarano
Valdosport 2-1 - 2-1 Arsiè
Bessica - Spineda 1-3
Cassola SM-Eagles P.
Valbrenta 5-1 - 6-1 Foen Gabrielli, Male, Michielon, Giusto, Costa M. and Oliviero for Valbrenta, Zaetta for Foen
Tegorzo Piave - EuroCalc 0-2 Dissegna Moreno and Morgan Dissegna
S. Croce - Riese Valley 0-2
San Vittore - Campolongo 2-0 Maset and Colmanet
EuroCalc 29, AltivoleseMaser 25, Valdosport 24, San Vittore 21, Riese and Angarano Valley 20, Holy Cross and Cassola SM 17, burned 15, Bessica, Spineda 14, Piave Tegorzo, Campolongo 11, Valbrenta 10, Eagles 9 foothills, Foen 8.
S. Croce, Angarano, San Vittore, Bessica, Eagles, and Foen Valbrenta a game in
Third category Group A
Almisano - Montebello 1-2 Boateng for Almisano, Folco and the Montebello Baldiotti
Altair - Stanga 1-0 Pavan
Bertesina - Gambellara Magnaguagno 1-3 (2) Curtis Carlo for Gambellara, Catalan for Bertesina
Gazzo - Brogliano Ciscato 3-2 (3) for the Gazzo, crossbows, and Rigon for Brogliano
New Ariston - Grumolo 2-2 Carli and Grumolo for Mori, Bigi and Dal Molin for Ariston
Pillar - Grisignano 1-0 Sgreva
Real San Zeno - Bellaguardia 2-1 Bellaguardia the bank, and Dalla Barba Bruttomesso M. Rest for the Real
VI Postojna
rank: Real SZ and Montebello 22, Gambellara 19, Pier 18, Gazzo and Altair 17, 14 and Ariston Bellaguardia, Stanga 13, Grisignano 10, Almisano 8, Brogliano 7, Postojna 6, and Bertesina Grumolo 5.
Third Category Group B
Asiago - San Quirico d'Azur 4-3
Agno - Arsiero postponed impracticability of the field
Novoledo-Rozzampia 2-3
Cogollo - Zane 1931 postponed because of the impracticability field
GalvanautoMotta - Giavenale 2-0 Tubaldo Mirco Dalla Pozza and
S. Tomio - Newteam 2-0
Un.Pedemontana - Monte di Malo 2-3
Valli - Montecchio Pr postponed impracticability of the field
Cogollo 23, Monte di Malo 21. Arsiero and Motta 20, 17 and Asiago Novoledo, U. Piedmont 15, 14 New Team, Zane 13, Montecchio Precalcino 12, Valleys and Rozzampia 9, San Quirico 8, Blue 6, Giavenale 4, San Tomio 3.
Third category Bassano
Facca - Aurora St. Joseph postponed impracticability of the field
Lusiana Conco - Arsenal Cusin. 3-0
Ospedaletto - The Ospedaletto Fellows 0-1 in nine of the fifteen minutes of the first half
S. Vito Bassano - Transvector 1-3
San Pietro Rosa - Real Stroppari 2-1
Tezze s.Brenta - Village St. Lazarus 0-2
Rest Monticello Junior
Transvector 23, San Pietro Rosa 20, 16 Fellows, Junior 14 Monticello, Village SL Aurora and SG. 12, San Vito and Lusiana 10, face 7, Arsenal, Real and Stroppari Tezze 6, Ospedaletto 1.
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