Sunday, January 30, 2011

Small Letter Mylar Balloons

a February day in favor of intellectual property

From this day February 1, 2011 will exist in favor of intellectual property, an initiative born directly from bloggers, to defend a basic principle of each share: the specifications, that is not personal and / or cite the source where is possible, if a text, a work, an image, comment, an idea that we use is not our creation, our intellectual property. The fight against counterfeiting in every field is complicated, but the Internet is almost impossible, at certain levels copiaincolla can diuventare theft. The magic of the network is to share ideas, culture, passions, and in every field, but if it becomes possession of something without mentioning who thought up something then that is a thief. The challenge to recognize the intellectual property in the network also will be long, but in the meantime we can all pay more attention when we put something that is not ours, but found in the blogosphere, because it is often the superficiality that makes involuntary justified the voluntary act of plagiarism.
Thanks to all those who join in this and those who carry on with tenacity.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Alexis Texas Blacks Guys

soft bread baked in clay pots

Ancona A very kind lady named Elizabeth and sent me an e-mail require this recipe:))

This is a great bread that I will be kept for many days I two of these pots and I used them both.
I took inspiration from a book on bread but I have revolutionized the ingredients at my pleasure;)

The clay pots are the company


gr 350 farina di farro

gr 115 manitoba

gr 50 parmigiano grattuggiato

gr 15 lievito di birra fresco

gr 70 burro liquefatto

erba cipollina a piacere

curry a piacere

1 pizzico di sale

semi poppy seeds to taste

ground black pepper to taste

walnuts into pieces as desired

Mix flour, make a fountain add the yeast dissolved in warm water, and put it in the center, and add all other ingredients, you will need to make a soft dough and knead for at least 10 minutes. Divide the dough in two and place in two clay pots. Wait for it to rise to near the edge and then bake them at 200 degrees for 40 minutes

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Extract Data From Laptop Hard Drive

Now there is only the site

to all the friends who followed us!
Now there is only the site
Continue to follow

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Warrior Fitness Price

Capo Colonna a Crotone

A place of desire for me. I've never been to Croton, here there is a place that has always fascinated me: a space open to the Gulf with a single Doric column, last remnant of one of the most important temples of Magna Graecia, rich with 48 marble columns. This temple dedicated to Hera Lacinia was the reference for sailors and women, revered and admired and then forgotten for centuries, robbed: from Hannibal, from pirates by the inhabitants, that one column after column to rest. Too marble which stands in front of the sea from challenging in its history and its ancient architectural harmony. And there I would like to see me, and I'm there when the mind wanders lost in some strange and mysterious absence of self.
Marguerite Yourcenar "big time" sculptor

Dedicato a EliJoe girasole romano de Roma trapiantato nella terra calabra

Le immagini di questo post sono tutte tratte da siti , blog, e altro della rete internet di pubblicazione divulgativa e privata.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Homemade Outboard Engine

have a few more days of patience The new site (which when you see it in its draft version) has been completely redesigned and reset by a firm specializing in construction sites.
We are implementing the site all the information needed (there will be all the excellent match results to the third category, charts, markers, notes on matches.
When the work is completed there will be a tab for each team and one for each player (with the aim to also have the photo FNAL)
In a couple of days at most will publish the new version of the site, of course, is not yet complete.
On the homepage you will find a series of news on our football with the ability to post your comments will be anonymous as before.
Sunday night at 19:00 on site you will find all the results and standings updated.
On Monday the top scorer of the second and third category (we'll see if we can for the other categories) on Wednesday evening
publish all disciplinary actions.
And as always we will be in step with news regarding the change of coach, the new card, etc.. There will be space
So far this has been supported solely by my passion for football. Now ask your cooperation. I will give the password to access the site who will be willing to carry out updates of specific sectors (women's football, Football 5, youth football) or taking a ranking of markers.
I got to see the site in its almost final and I can tell you that is sure to be legible, clear and interesting. But above all rich in many details.
Thanks to all the friends who continue to follow us!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Exis Texas Black Guys

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Reietti, fenomeni da baraccone, ballerine compiacenti, cantanti da caffè-concerto, alcolizzati, artisti bohémien , prostitute, colore, vita, movimento, novità, musica rutilante come un can can e un uomo. Un artista , un aristocratico, un tipo particolare che si mischia nei quartieri malfamati, nei cafèchantant , nei locali da ballo, nei teatri , nei bordelli, con la gente più infima e strana, uno scherzo di natura mezzo uomo mezzo nano, grande mente, occhio acuto che sa vedere la verità di questa Belle Epoque, la sua vitalità la sua mostruosità così umana. Lui il nobile eccentrico, grottesca anomalia della borghesia perfettamente in pandant con gli emarginati astrusi del Moulin Rouge. Colui che usa la tecnica impressionista antiaccademica mischiandola alla cura della stampa giapponese, non più per i paesaggi , ma per dare movimento e luce , come in un eterno palcoscenico, alle figure umane che popolano le sue opere come le vie di Parigi, aprendo l'arte all'espressionismo. Colui che crea manifesti pubblicitari, litografie innovative , illustrazioni, uomo dell’ottocento proiettato già nel novecento pubblicitario. Artista famoso e personaggio scomodo "The soul of Montmartre" and its night life, secret, mysterious, hidden, where the places of interest, but the people who populate them, made up of people such as La Goulue, Chocolate, director of Moulin Rouge Ziedler, Jane Avril, and even invisible prostitutes, workers, iron, dreamers, captured in their normal, in their humanity, without moral prejudices, without political intentions, not redeem, without songs, only returning them to their humanity. Portraits can be made with angular features, drawing quick caricatures, but in the truth of their human essence, that a touch faster - but not every sketch because his work is the result of much dedication and work - coglie, penetra, giorno per giorno il loro mondo che è diventato il suo. Il teatro e le vie sono soprattutto vita, vivacità , movimento, in cui uomini e donne vivono, amano, vincono –raramente- perdono -quasi sempre- , un mondo in cui le prostitute sono colte in momenti di tranquillità serena, non strumenti erotici fini a se stessi, ma persone che sono oltre il mestiere che praticano. Lo sguardo di Lautrec è spietato forse nel cogliere quei volti imbellettati, quei sorrisi tristi, quelle sottane provocanti, quegli occhi offuscati dall’assenzio, ma come disse il direttore di una delle tante riviste con cui collaborava , Arthur Huc « Come avrebbe potuto, essendo feroce con sé stesso, non esserlo con gli others! In his work is not only a human face which it does not deliberately emphasized the unpleasant side .(...) He was a relentless observer, but his brush was not lying. " He could not lie he was like those creatures, his creativity did not win his deformed body, but heard him live this time of sequined circus of colors with humor, love, hatred, intuition, hallucination, pleasure, an exciting kaleidoscope emotional age of a mirror, mirror man of all time, because it knew how to live his short life in harmony with his art.

Tolouse-Lautrec: "Always and everywhere too bad it has its charming aspects, it is exciting to discover where no one has noticed them first." --- "Only the figure exists, the landscape is not and should not be more than an addition. The landscape is a pure beast. The landscape should be used only to better understanding of the character of a figure

R. de Mmontcabrier: - iil ya 100 ans Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1964 "fine education received in childhood, Lautrec had always maintained a perfect courtesy and great kindness. ... .... He knew, however, respond in kind, in the language that it was necessary, they wanted to bother to consider it as a phenomenon Barnum, showing too clearly an insulting condescension, or ostentatious show of superiority based on inches of height that allowed them to look down on Lautrec. For this reason, most of these 'Ladies' waited to avenge the death of the painter 'literary'. They would look good from him while he was alive. "

Sunday, January 2, 2011

How Many Combinations 8-letter


Three years have passed since the end of the War of Secession, and nothing comes Ethan Edwards in his brother's house secretly and especially his wife Martha of him, a relationship binds them quiet while the boys are having a party Uncle leading gifts and a mysterious life. Where was it? he has done so far? While he and other settlers are hunting for the Comanche who burned a nearby farm, is their being attacked. It 's a terrible tragedy, and the two girls disappear, and his nephew Ethan's adoptive Indian origins Martin bring to their research, they will find Lucy murdered, but not Debbie, the girl is gone. He began a long search for years, with every climate in every land, where every now and then the two show signs of their neighbors to the family whose daughter is in love with Laurie Martin, who persists in wanting to regain half-sister. Ethan instead tries to kill Debbie, could not stand the idea that has become a squaw, only when the front will include frightened that his hatred is sterile, she embraced it as he did as a child and brings her back home. At the farm are all happy to take them back, but he is a lonely and homeless and all get together, it comes out because he belongs to no one and nothing belongs to him. Ford in a scene and a humorous dramatic leaps in time and space continues to return, he can make the uniqueness of this hero tired, stubborn, tough, controversial, cruel and very human, memorable solo of the American myth making to get to a house by the boundless prairie, the blinding light on the border of the jamb to the inside of the closed hot at home, in which will not be, to end it in the mirror frame of the door of the farm Laurie, all find peace in the darkness of the house, Ethan does not come with them, but turns turning to the limitless space of the west. The door opened at the beginning of the movie is closed forever behind him. In that dark silent are expressed affection for Martha with a look and a chaste kiss on the forehead, raise the child up Debbie and Debbie companion of an Indian chief, the memory of his mother killed by the Comanche as the headstones where Debbie hides in the small leak. On all the majesty of Monument Valley splendid and magnificent backdrop to the misery and human pettiness. Civilization against the savages ? eppure quanti orrori da parte dei bianchi Ethan in testa, quella porta non basta a separare i mondi, non basta a definire i bianchi buoni e gli indiani cattivi. L’odio di Ethan lo isola dagli affetti, la comprensione di esso e della propria contraddittorietà lo fa per sempre essere fuori oltre la soglia, e dentro il nostro immaginario.

Per il compleanno dell'a-micio Massimo che se raccontare storie selvaggie con la delicata fantasia di un gentilgatto

Per l'a-micia Marilena che si sente delusa da chi ruba un testo indegnamente, spingendola a chiudere un mondo di sentieri ombrosi and enchanted.

For a-cats that follow me because this new year bring out, even following wild paths, but with a house in the valley waiting for them.