Three years have passed since the end of the War of Secession, and nothing comes Ethan Edwards in his brother's house secretly and especially his wife Martha of him, a relationship binds them quiet while the boys are having a party Uncle leading gifts and a mysterious life. Where was it? he has done so far? While he and other settlers are hunting for the Comanche who burned a nearby farm, is their being attacked. It 's a terrible tragedy, and the two girls disappear, and his nephew Ethan's adoptive Indian origins Martin bring to their research, they will find Lucy murdered, but not Debbie, the girl is gone. He began a long search for years, with every climate in every land, where every now and then the two show signs of their neighbors to the family whose daughter is in love with Laurie Martin, who persists in wanting to regain half-sister. Ethan instead tries to kill Debbie, could not stand the idea that has become a squaw, only when the front will include frightened that his hatred is sterile, she embraced it as he did as a child and brings her back home. At the farm are all happy to take them back, but he is a lonely and homeless and all get together, it comes out because he belongs to no one and nothing belongs to him. Ford in a scene and a humorous dramatic leaps in time and space continues to return, he can make the uniqueness of this hero tired, stubborn, tough, controversial, cruel and very human, memorable solo of the American myth making to get to a house by the boundless prairie, the blinding light on the border of the jamb to the inside of the closed hot at home, in which will not be, to end it in the mirror frame of the door of the farm Laurie, all find peace in the darkness of the house, Ethan does not come with them, but turns turning to the limitless space of the west. The door opened at the beginning of the movie is closed forever behind him. In that dark silent are expressed affection for Martha with a look and a chaste kiss on the forehead, raise the child up Debbie and Debbie companion of an Indian chief, the memory of his mother killed by the Comanche as the headstones where Debbie hides in the small leak. On all the majesty of Monument Valley splendid and magnificent backdrop to the misery and human pettiness. Civilization against the savages ? eppure quanti orrori da parte dei bianchi Ethan in testa, quella porta non basta a separare i mondi, non basta a definire i bianchi buoni e gli indiani cattivi. L’odio di Ethan lo isola dagli affetti, la comprensione di esso e della propria contraddittorietà lo fa per sempre essere fuori oltre la soglia, e dentro il nostro immaginario.
Per il compleanno dell'a-micio Massimo che se raccontare storie selvaggie con la delicata fantasia di un gentilgatto
Per l'a-micia Marilena che si sente delusa da chi ruba un testo indegnamente, spingendola a chiudere un mondo di sentieri ombrosi and enchanted.
For a-cats that follow me because this new year bring out, even following wild paths, but with a house in the valley waiting for them.
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