Saturday, January 29, 2011

Alexis Texas Blacks Guys

soft bread baked in clay pots

Ancona A very kind lady named Elizabeth and sent me an e-mail require this recipe:))

This is a great bread that I will be kept for many days I two of these pots and I used them both.
I took inspiration from a book on bread but I have revolutionized the ingredients at my pleasure;)

The clay pots are the company


gr 350 farina di farro

gr 115 manitoba

gr 50 parmigiano grattuggiato

gr 15 lievito di birra fresco

gr 70 burro liquefatto

erba cipollina a piacere

curry a piacere

1 pizzico di sale

semi poppy seeds to taste

ground black pepper to taste

walnuts into pieces as desired

Mix flour, make a fountain add the yeast dissolved in warm water, and put it in the center, and add all other ingredients, you will need to make a soft dough and knead for at least 10 minutes. Divide the dough in two and place in two clay pots. Wait for it to rise to near the edge and then bake them at 200 degrees for 40 minutes


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