Thursday, March 3, 2011

Brazilian Hard Wax 01610

Biscuits carnival for Shrove Tuesday! Molino Spadoni

I wish you a beautiful, sweet and funny

Fat Thursday!

For these fun cookies I used the recipe from Valentina Gigli

Ingredients for the dough biscuits:

gr 250 farina 00 Molino Spadoni

gr 100 zucchero a velo

gr 200 burro freddo

2 tuorli

1 cucchiaino di cannella in polvere

1 stecca di vaniglia

Lavorare insieme e velocemente tutti gli ingredienti e riporre il panetto in frigo per almeno un'ora.

Ritagliare un disegno di una mascherina di Carnevale, vi servirà per dare la forma ai biscotti.

Stendere l'impasto freddo a little at a time and cut out the biscuits

a biscuit with eyes and one without.

The cookies with the "hole" you should brush for the eyes with cold water and sprinkle with colored sprinkles

Bake at 160 degrees for 15 minutes

Once cooked and cooled, the match 2 different types of biscuits, or blush with hazelnut cream, jam or honey


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