Oggi dopo pranzo è venuto un corriere a portarmi un pacco pieno di 8 chili di farina di tipi vari.
Da oggi inizia ufficialmente la mia collaborazione con questi ottimi prodotti.
trovate tutte le informazioni in questo sito
Dal 1445 che il Molino di Coccolia – fatto costruire fra Ravenna e Forlì from historic Pier Capponi family - grind the grain. And it is from 1932 that this historic mill is owned by the family Spadoni. Today the company is represented by Dr. Leonardo chose to invest in the latest technologies in the mill with the aim of ensuring the highest level of quality to all its customers.
Molino Spadoni All meals are offered to the domestic audience in the classic paper food packaging breathable pure cellulose, in a practical format of a kilogram. One package that refers to good and healthy habits of the past, because the type of paper used allows the flour to breathe and to reach through the exchange of air, the right "seasoning" natural, thus preventing the formation of mold. It is also very comfortable and practical, as they easily resealable, recyclable and environmentally friendly. Here Molino Spadoni, taking the healthy traditions of a simpler time, proves more than ever innovative and keep pace with market trends, more and more careful to ensure health and recycling of consumer products.
Personally I often use this meal, the pizza for the pizza to the plate;
that Manitoba for the mixes lieviatati;
and other for different preoarazioni from pasta to bread, I assure you that I am really happy success!
But let's get to my precious package such types of flour are there?
from left to right in photo above
cakes ready
A thanks to this company for sending me their products, which will soon end up in my hands to be cooked!
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