Saturday, February 5, 2011

Como Superar Electric Box Level 19

baskets of chocolate mousse with coffee cream

This dessert is a very scenic, as well as very very good!
chocolate baskets are not very easy to do, but the second time (I hope too!) Will be better ...

Ingredients for chocolate baskets:

just 200 grams dark chocolate

Melt the chocolate over low heat in a water bath.
Pour a circle of chocolate on each square of cling film and wrap up the squares of the glasses with the chocolate out and wait to harden, then carefully remove the film.
Council to make a nice layer of chocolate!, And to make some more .. because they are sooo fragile: ((

It just came to me a beautiful basket: (
But I've also used the fragments;)

Coffee Mousse Ingredients:

Coffee 80 ml small

Sugar 100 gr

Cream 200 ml

Eggs 2

Beat the eggs with the sugar until the mixture is very fluffy (beat at least 10 minutes).

Now whip the cream, then add coffee and amalgamiamolo well until mixture is creamy, careful not to remove the panna.

Ora amalgamiamo assieme le uova con la panna, e sempre senza smontare il composto andiamo a lavorare fino ad ottenere un composto cremoso ed omogeneo, quindi prendete delle coppette e versate il composto, mettete in frigo e fate riposare almeno 6 ore prima di consumare, la mousse al caffè è pronta!!!

In mancanza dei cestini ho messo la mousse nei bicchieri


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