These crackers are the same as those red crackers my mom
only that it should be added in place of the lyre all'impasto1 packet of baking powder for cakes can be fried at once.
I recommend you eat them now or in the day.
The mixture may be enriched with raisins soaked and squeezed in quantity.
Ripon recipe:
4 eggs 4 tablespoons melted butter
4 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons anise (liqueur)
4 tablespoons milk
1 lemon, grated (or a vanillin)
470/500 gr flour 00
1 packet baking powder for cakes
peanut oil or evo
caster sugar to decorate
Mix all ingredients in a bowl, agiungere finally baking powder
Fry small spoonfuls into hot oil or lard. Drain well on paper straw, then dip in a bowl with the red liquor (the archermes) and after rolling in a dish granulated sugar
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