Sunday, February 20, 2011

Macular Degeneration Presbyopia

Journey to the Center of the Earth

A professor in Edinburgh, one of his students, the widow of a distinguished scholar, an athletic young man with a goose, chased by a mad murderess, are on the trail of a mysterious and ancient message of Count Saknussem that points the way to Iceland to reach a peak at the center of the earth. The trip will be incredible, every step will lead them to new wonders and unusual hazards, such antediluvian monsters and giant mushrooms, to the center of everything, a reel of magnetic charge lost by the ocean impossible. You will find no escape from the ruins of Atlantis disappeared and the skeleton dell'intrepido scientist. But a brilliant idea to save them through the exit cone of the volcano Stromboli. By a crowd of Verne, a film about the timeless adventure, the exploration of the deepest evil that lurks even in the depths of land, made a film with irony that makes the 50s always pleasant and fun, even with well-chosen characters and a protagonist ... delicious. No, not the beautiful blonde lady .... - For another splendid example of a woman who can dominate the situation and the punctilious academic as well - but the adorable duck Gertrude, adored by the Nordic guy who despaired when the perfidious and scivertato Sarknussen kills her great-grandson of hunger, one of the film acts which creates more anger I can remember. One of those stories that is always a pleasure to see, and eventually reconciles with the world. Even with that at its heart, whatever it is.

"Descend into the crater of Sneffels Jokull of the shadow of Scartaris is to lick before the Kalends of July, audacious traveler, and will arrive at the center of the Earth. Here's what I did.
Saknussemm Ame '


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